
Has anyone here gotten results from hypnosis?

Thank you for the insight. I think I'll continue listening to it then. I'm currently struggling to have even 3 meals a day so this should help a lot.

However I do have one more concern which I forgot to mention in my post. There're some suggestions that make the file addictive like "the more you want to eat the more you want to listen to this file." and "you want to listen to this file again." I might be wrong but I'm assuming the intended effect of this is the more you're addicted to it the more you want to eat and vice versa or it could just be for personal gain. What are your thoughts on this?

You got it smiley hope you have the experiences you’re looking for!

Sounds like a positive feedback loop suggestion. “X makes you want Y, Y makes you want X”. That’s pretty common.

If that’s a genuine concern for you, it will probably be less effective. IME (and the general wisdom I’ve seen, but I could be wrong) is that not wanting a particular outcome constitutes pretty significant resistance.

I shared similar concerns about hypnosis when I first tried it out. I found it helpful to find files where I *wasnt* nervous about—and event wanted—the lasting effects (like those to encourage lucid dreaming) to get the hang of things and see how hypnosis affected me generally.

Thanks I think I'll start off with lucid dream encouraging hypnoses since that's a thing I want a lasting effect for and work my way up.
2 years

Has anyone here gotten results from hypnosis?

When I‘m in that gainer phase, or was in them, I tried a lot of those Youtube-Hypnosis stuff and while I agree, they can set the mood nicely, I think it‘s mostly placebo. As soon as those phases ended and I turn into „oh sh!t, I have to be fit again“-self again, it all fades.

The thought of hardwiring myself into becoming helplessly gaining or becoming irreversably addicted to food, turned me on, but never worked.
But who knows? I‘m heavier than ever and body acceptance is growing, so maybe there is an effect after all, but I wouldn‘t count on it.
2 years

Has anyone here gotten results from hypnosis?

Do you eat more when you're horny? I know I do.
Do you get horny from someone telling you to eat and get fat? I know I do.
Does it matter if the hypnosis part of it is effective? Probably not.
Still enjoyable to hear a voice tell you to let go and get fat and keep listening to it while you stuff.
2 years

Has anyone here gotten results from hypnosis?

I haven’t found them to be effective long-term, but I recommend them anyway because they are very enjoyable and can sometimes help with a one-time binge if you’re in the right mood. If it turns out hypnosis works extremely well for you compared to most people and you get unwanted effects, there are also plenty of hypnosis videos intended to remove unwanted effects from other hypnosis which you could listen to, so I wouldn’t worry about that.
2 years

Has anyone here gotten results from hypnosis?

The problem is the same as with anti-aging products:

You don‘t know the outcome whether you used them or not.

And it‘s the same with hypnosis-stuff. Do they really work, do I believe they work…

I found some that kinda worked for me to listen to and right now I believe I‘ve developed a more healthier relationship with my body and to food and gaining in general and the gaining phase which seldomly lasted longer than two weeks is going on for longer than a month now. I even bought new pants in a bigger size and I‘m about to buy more clothes.
Every meal gets me excited and I love the new soft areas that are developing.

Whether this is the product of listening to this stuff is open for debate though.

If my GF would be a feeder, she could blow me up to huge proportions right now, but while being a BBW-Foodie herself she has a rather bad relationship with being fat and her body, so I‘m doing this on my own and slowly gain until this provokes a reaction. Right now, she likes to cuddle and explore my belly a bit, and tells me I look hot, so I continue smiley
2 years

Has anyone here gotten results from hypnosis?

I've thought about really specific hypnotism. Like getting one of those stage show people who hypnotize people and make them do funny things, or an actual doctor to put me under. It wouldn't be a general suggestion, but an immediate response to a phrase.

"Whever you hear X you will feel Y." Type stuff. And it would have to be uncommon phrases that only me and my feeder or SO would know.

For example when I perhaps hear (or even read in a text?), "That doesn't look like enough food for you." I would feel a crazy urge to stuff myself silly and get an instant boner. LOL! Used carefully it could be a lot of fun.

When mentioning this to my Feeder, he laughed and said that no hypnotism is needed...that already happens. 🤣
2 years

Has anyone here gotten results from hypnosis?

Ok, so I'm gonna weigh in on this one. (see what I did there) 😉😂

I've got a lot of experience with hypnosis as the hypnotist. Sadly, I can't find anyone who can get in to my head to help me with it, but I'm very good at getting in to other people's heads..

There may even be a couple of people on this site and a few other sites who've grown significantly with my help 😉 (but I won't disclose who because it's not my part to do so).

Pre recorded and generic stuff on YouTube generally needs to be taken as being made for he lowest common denominator, because honestly, it's so generic that it's not funny.

Many people don't want exactly what it offers, as such is not as effective as it could be. That said, if you have a personally tailored live session with someone like me it'll make a world of difference because it's specifically designed just for you using your specifications, your desires, your goals, your input has shaped the session, etc..

Want to only gain 20 lb, no worries, let's set a cut off for 20 lb then we can re evaluate, etc.. I can literally set your gainer mode to expire at a set point, time, weight goal, etc.

I can literally give you a bottomless appetite and the inability to feel full until your close up bursting, and make you live for that feeling.. Or, I can just help you improve your appetite and make it better for you when you workout at the gym..

So anyway.. I'm open to helping people with hypnosis if they truly want to try, if they are genuine about it, if they enjoy the possibility of unlocking parts of you that seriously help you to grow..

If you do want to get my help you will need Skype, you will need earphones and the ability to spend around an hour on a video call with me, (I only need to see your face and upper chest clearly as it helps me to do my josmiley.

Though, I'm not looking to take on too many projects as I'm still travelling around Australia at the moment.. But I would consider adding some people. Also, if you happen to be in Australia I might be able to do it in person if you are on my travelling path.

If you are keen then message me. If you get great results then fantastic. But, due to the restrictive message limits on here I will simply send you my Skype details and you can add me on there and we can discuss further. I only use Skype for hypnosis sessions as it's entirely predictable, therefore I can work with it...

I can help both men and women, people who want to explore hypnosis for gaining, or even for better gym workouts, quitting smoking, or losing weight. I'm happy to help if I can.

* for some background info I've been doing things with hypnosis since I was about 12 years old and I learned from my father who used hypnotherapy as a practising psychologist. I have literally helped over a thousand people in the last 6 years alone with whatever they were facing issues with.. Even stress and anxiety, can be reduced with hypnosis.

BTW, believe me when I say I don't often post on threads like this because I've got a lot of things on my plate. Also worth noting, I do not suffer fools lightly, I'm not in to wasting people's time and don't like having my time wasted either.

Good luck on your gaining or feeding journeys!
2 years

Has anyone here gotten results from hypnosis?

Has anyone here gotten results from hypnosis and would you recommend it? I've searched hypnosis in the forums but it wasn't about whether it was effective for weight gain or not and most of the people who were in the posts which most of them are old are now inactive.

Yes I have! And I fully recommend it if that's something that you're into but be aware it can be extremely effective! I actually had to look up look up programs to dehypnotize what I did to myself with gaining hypnotization when it got to be too much. Be very very careful. But enjoy if that's your thing.

which would you recommend?
2 years

Has anyone here gotten results from hypnosis?

Yes, I’m brainwashed to believe, weight gain is a progress and to eat it all.
2 years

Has anyone here gotten results from hypnosis?

I figured out recently that I get far more dramatic effects if I write and record my own hypnosis files (sadly I cannot post them publicly because I do not want anyone recognizing my voice, though). I think it’s a combination of the tailor-made suggestions and my voice being a lot easier to confuse with my own thoughts than someone else’s voice. It’s a bit of a pain in the ass, but I recommend trying it if you want results other than just a fun sexy time listening to a hypnosis file.

That being said, if you are looking for good feedism hypnotists on YouTube, I particularly like Silver Hypnosis, Essdeeess, and Enchantress.
2 years
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