
Have you ever wanted to be secretly fattened?

Since it's all fantasy, well... yeah.

Not really sure how it'd work in my case, since I'm trying to actively gain as of this writing, and I'm aware of feederism so I would most likely notice quickly. But I might try to play along as long as I can, pretending I don't notice.

Although yes, I'd love if my next girlfriend was a large lady and the sort who cooks large portions out of habit, because she's not used to cooking for skinny people, but of course I'd always try to finish even if I have to struggle a little bit. Or alternatively, a lady of any size where the portions she prepares seem to get ever so slightly larger over time. Or if she asks if I want a snack, and it's always something calorie dense and fattening, but she seems to ask more often than before.

I would guess the first one (large lady who's only used to preparing big portion sizes for larger folks) is semi-common, though I don't really ask folks about this. But I do know this is a real thing in some cases. It's even perfectly innocent with no particular intent; it's just her way.
2 years

Have you ever wanted to be secretly fattened?

Ok I have to ask this but first I have never done this or had it done to me. There is a part of me that has always wanted to be fattened with out my knowledge.

there’s something about it that I’m kinda into, like just being conditioned to eat more and more without fully realizing what’s going on seems like it would be really fun!

Has anyone else have this Fantasy? I not the Weird one here right?!?? *panics*

Not my thing, but it's super common on here.
2 years

Have you ever wanted to be secretly fattened?

I guess I play along, but it seems to be less of a secret, if it ever was one. The more time goes by, it seems less random and more of a group project...
2 years

Have you ever wanted to be secretly fattened?

The more you gained, the less of a secret it would be? :-)
2 years

Have you ever wanted to be secretly fattened?

I think this actually might be happening to me right now
2 years

Have you ever wanted to be secretly fattened?

The more you gained, the less of a secret it would be? :-)

When just about everyone you know seems to be giving you food...

When people seem to be over preparing food for dinners... 4th of July there were 3 pies that hadn't been opened when everyone started leaving.
2 years

Have you ever wanted to be secretly fattened?

I think this actually might be happening to me right now

Have you seen my "so that's where the weight came from" post?
2 years

Have you ever wanted to be secretly fattened?

I feel like my wife and I have done this several times to both of us.

I have gained a good amount of weight a couple times without even realizing. After I did realize I decided to intentionally gain but not say anything and my wife seemed to enjoy getting me fatter and fatter never mentioning anything. The meals she prepared and served me were quite obnoxious, sometimes 3 + plates for dinner followed by her plopping a massive bowl of I ice cream on my lap directly following dinner when a staggered to the couch to relax after my huge meal. The great thing is she was eating right along with my not seeming concerned about her out of control gaining currently like she normally would.

I guess you could say it was secretive for both of us & ever so fattening.
2 years

Have you ever wanted to be secretly fattened?

I would love to be secretly fattened! I would eventually find out as my clothes get tighter, and I wouldn't say a word. Zero complaints. i would just go with it.
2 years

Have you ever wanted to be secretly fattened?

I mean what could go wrong :3
2 years
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