Extreme obesity

Superobese travels

Traveling has been rather shut down due to the virus...but eventually it will open up again. Hope springs eternal.

My lovely lady loves traveling...and gorging herself, and she's only been getting bigger and more helpless in the meantime. She's a realist, so we've been strategizing about all the practical considerations we'll have to make if we fly again.

We both agreed she can never travel alone again, because she's too fat for just one seat. She can get away with one when she's with me, because she can crush up against me and flop all her fat on top of me, but she agreed it would be unfair to make a stranger deal with that.

She's going to need a seatbelt extender. The last time we flew, she couldn't reach her arms around her own belly and a flight attendant had to grab her rolls and help buckle her in.

Any tips for traveling super-fat...or any fun stories?
2 years

Superobese travels

Traveling has been rather shut down due to the virus...but eventually it will open up again. Hope springs eternal.

My lovely lady loves traveling...and gorging herself, and she's only been getting bigger and more helpless in the meantime. She's a realist, so we've been strategizing about all the practical considerations we'll have to make if we fly again.

We both agreed she can never travel alone again, because she's too fat for just one seat. She can get away with one when she's with me, because she can crush up against me and flop all her fat on top of me, but she agreed it would be unfair to make a stranger deal with that.

She's going to need a seatbelt extender. The last time we flew, she couldn't reach her arms around her own belly and a flight attendant had to grab her rolls and help buckle her in.

Any tips for traveling super-fat...or any fun stories?

Keep in mind not all airlines use the same seatbelt type. One thing I learned. Wile I’m a big guy. Bigger now then when I was laying on a plan. I packed my own seatbelt extender. Do some research if n what airlines use what. Before you order. Also have her take the window seat. If she sets by the walk way. The cart can bump in to her.
2 years

Superobese travels

Depends on what you mean by truly super fat, but I do remember reading an account of a very large woman (much larger than most) who often had to travel for her job.

One thing she thought of.. hopefully occurred to her, and not finding out the wrong way, was this.

She always, always made a point of packing extra clothes in addition to what she thought she needed for the trip, both underwear and regular clothes. To be fair, the account I read was of someone who also had to dress business professional, which may not apply in this specific case. The reason?

She's large enough there's a low chance that local clothing stores of any sort (regardless of pricing point) would have anything that fits that's also in stock at the moment of need. Even if you visit the US in a large metro area (with Amazon lockers) and can find products that somehow arrive in one day, let's get real. Most of those clothes on Amazon aren't that flattering, you can't always be certain of what you get, and while Amazon commonly does manage to adhere to the expected time line (at least 95%+ of the time it seems), there's no guarantee and it might be a day later. This is a problem if you're somewhere for only say, 2 days with a packed schedule. So, she learned to plan ahead. The problem is even more critical when it comes to bras that seem to fit properly, a challenge for women even under the most ideal of circumstances.

Moral of the story - Very large women really should make sure to pack more clothes than are expected to be needed. This is in addition to other special planning ahead of time that's good for travel in general.
2 years

Superobese travels

Good point.

She's already reached the point where she has to order special clothing online. The kind that's not just "skinny people clothes sized up", but shaped differently with so much extra fabric.

She really wants to go on an ocean cruise sometime, which would be perfect for someone her size. I teased her by saying she may be too big for a bus seat...but an ocean liner SHOULD be able to handle her.
2 years

Superobese travels

There's a Youtuber Jae Bae who does short videos and others on plus size travel as she and her bf/friend are super-ultrasized.

Her videos on size agreement policies on some airlines and how to get a 2nd seat for free (in some cases) are interesting.
2 years

Superobese travels

Southwest airlines gives super fats an extra seat for free
2 years

Superobese travels

Southwest airlines gives super fats an extra seat for free

Good 411. Though some feel Southwest/Spirit Airlines are literally a Greyhound Bus with wings.
2 years

Superobese travels

Southwest airlines gives super fats an extra seat for free

Good 411. Though some feel Southwest/Spirit Airlines are literally a Greyhound Bus with wings.

Yeah I hear a lot of people hate on Southwest but honestly unless you're flying first class or a private jet, I don't get it. You get a free seat as a fatty, you get TWO carry ons with a 50lb weight limit for free, and you can change your flight date and time and location an unlimited amount of times before your flight date for literally NO charge. Half the time I fly with these guys the plane is half full and I get an entire row to myself. It's bonkers how much better this airline is when the other airlines are charging you a fee for every time you flush the toilet and a tenner for a dixie cup of water
2 years

Superobese travels

Southwest airlines gives super fats an extra seat for free

Good 411. Though some feel Southwest/Spirit Airlines are literally a Greyhound Bus with wings.

Yeah I hear a lot of people hate on Southwest but honestly unless you're flying first class or a private jet, I don't get it. You get a free seat as a fatty, you get TWO carry ons with a 50lb weight limit for free, and you can change your flight date and time and location an unlimited amount of times before your flight date for literally NO charge. Half the time I fly with these guys the plane is half full and I get an entire row to myself. It's bonkers how much better this airline is when the other airlines are charging you a fee for every time you flush the toilet and a tenner for a dixie cup of water

Good points. I think it's the amount of fights and discourse on social media compared to other airlines, plus the local news stories of cancelled flights (pre-pandemic) didn't do Southwest any favor. Will keep those benefits in mind though.
2 years