
Self-esteem issues

I really would like to know ways to help myself get over being so shy because of my size. I'm an older guy and yet I have always let the fact that I've always been a bigger guy prevent me from doing certain things because I was worried what people might think.
2 years

Self-esteem issues

Learn to love yourself first then learn not to care what others think.
You were not put on this earth to make any one happy but yourself.
2 years

Self-esteem issues

I really would like to know ways to help myself get over being so shy because of my size. I'm an older guy and yet I have always let the fact that I've always been a bigger guy prevent me from doing certain things because I was worried what people might think.

ditzy's advice is spot on.

sometimes it feels easier said than done, i know. when i started playing with gaining i struggled with it. things were great with my (ex) partner, i enjoyed it with her. but during the rest of my day, working and interacting with strangers i got pretty self conscious. so for a while i waffled back and forth - should i or shouldn't it?

at some point you just have to embrace what makes you happy. you have to weigh the pros & cons of not doing the thing you want to... for me it was going back to the gym, which previously i'd loved, but now just made me miserable. it became a pretty clear path for me. the lifestyle i'd been leading brought me far more happiness.

i don't know what your path will be, but I hope you will follow what brings you joy. and good luck on your journey - it's never too late!
2 years