Extreme obesity

Death feedists

I am absolutely a death feedee. I was always an extreme masochist, and always fantasized about getting killed (my fantasies can get very dark). It just sounds so hot to die such an unhealthy death to your unstoppable gluttony. Immobility really helps with the life shortening too.

Being a masochist is really just enjoying pain, so my death would be painful, mentally. One of the hottest things I imagine is that I'm immobile with fat and absolutely hate it. It just sounds so fucking hot. You constantly hate yourself, but you have no hopes in changing yourself. You are trapped to a single bed, you can only just struggle to shift to a side of it. No walking. Now the thing is, of course, I am aroused by my fat and love gaining, so I can only imagine being in complete mental agony from it.

Now, the death part. The thought of my death has always been attractive to me, but mainly the 'bad' deaths. Lots of physical pain. I'd never die a short death, it's too easy. I'd die slowly, very slowly, and painfully. Being extremely unhealthy will absolutely make your life very short, and that's great. More cholesterol to clog up my arteries, more salt to hurt my kidneys. Essentially you are killing your own body on purpose. Now just eat all of that junk food, more and more and more, and what do you know, you've got heart issues and loads of fat! Diabetes will give you tons of pain, whether it be pins and needles or just random sharp pains all over the body. You will feel like absolute shit. Fatigued, so so very tired, lazy, and pained. Doing absolutely nothing will help the arteries clog up more, and the fat to pile on. Just lay in the same spot, for the months and months. You can choose a couch or a bed, but anywhere will be fine for your decaying unhealthy heart.
2 years

Death feedists

God knows I wanna be a death feedee, but I don't see how I could ever find that life for myself IRL, or any feeder at all for that matter smiley
2 years

Death feedists

I am absolutely a death feedee. I was always an extreme masochist, and always fantasized about getting killed (my fantasies can get very dark). It just sounds so hot to die such an unhealthy death to your unstoppable gluttony. Immobility really helps with the life shortening too.

Being a masochist is really just enjoying pain, so my death would be painful, mentally. One of the hottest things I imagine is that I'm immobile with fat and absolutely hate it. It just sounds so fucking hot. You constantly hate yourself, but you have no hopes in changing yourself. You are trapped to a single bed, you can only just struggle to shift to a side of it. No walking. Now the thing is, of course, I am aroused by my fat and love gaining, so I can only imagine being in complete mental agony from it.

Now, the death part. The thought of my death has always been attractive to me, but mainly the 'bad' deaths. Lots of physical pain. I'd never die a short death, it's too easy. I'd die slowly, very slowly, and painfully. Being extremely unhealthy will absolutely make your life very short, and that's great. More cholesterol to clog up my arteries, more salt to hurt my kidneys. Essentially you are killing your own body on purpose. Now just eat all of that junk food, more and more and more, and what do you know, you've got heart issues and loads of fat! Diabetes will give you tons of pain, whether it be pins and needles or just random sharp pains all over the body. You will feel like absolute shit. Fatigued, so so very tired, lazy, and pained. Doing absolutely nothing will help the arteries clog up more, and the fat to pile on. Just lay in the same spot, for the months and months. You can choose a couch or a bed, but anywhere will be fine for your decaying unhealthy heart.
1 year

Death feedists

I am absolutely a death feedee. I was always an extreme masochist, and always fantasized about getting killed (my fantasies can get very dark). It just sounds so hot to die such an unhealthy death to your unstoppable gluttony. Immobility really helps with the life shortening too.

Being a masochist is really just enjoying pain, so my death would be painful, mentally. One of the hottest things I imagine is that I'm immobile with fat and absolutely hate it. It just sounds so fucking hot. You constantly hate yourself, but you have no hopes in changing yourself. You are trapped to a single bed, you can only just struggle to shift to a side of it. No walking. Now the thing is, of course, I am aroused by my fat and love gaining, so I can only imagine being in complete mental agony from it.

Now, the death part. The thought of my death has always been attractive to me, but mainly the 'bad' deaths. Lots of physical pain. I'd never die a short death, it's too easy. I'd die slowly, very slowly, and painfully. Being extremely unhealthy will absolutely make your life very short, and that's great. More cholesterol to clog up my arteries, more salt to hurt my kidneys. Essentially you are killing your own body on purpose. Now just eat all of that junk food, more and more and more, and what do you know, you've got heart issues and loads of fat! Diabetes will give you tons of pain, whether it be pins and needles or just random sharp pains all over the body. You will feel like absolute shit. Fatigued, so so very tired, lazy, and pained. Doing absolutely nothing will help the arteries clog up more, and the fat to pile on. Just lay in the same spot, for the months and months. You can choose a couch or a bed, but anywhere will be fine for your decaying unhealthy heart.

holy fuck, so depraved and yet so eloquent! 🥵 need this to happen to me
Me too 🥵🥵🥵
1 year

Death feedists

Finding someone who wants to take you to that point is not hard. I have done it 3 times to highly motivated feedees so far.

Well you just point me to them cuz I’m having a hell of time getting anyone to take me serious. I was born to eat myself to death.
1 year

Death feedists

fellow death feedist here. have to agree that death isn't the goal, for me at least. it's about pushing those boundaries, abandonment of health for the pursuit of hedonistic gluttony, living a gaining life without restraints and seeing where that takes me.

1 year

Death feedists

I'm a feeder into the fantasy myself.

As a feedee, I'm definitely into this fantasy as well.
Seems it just comes with the territory of growing as fat as possible though. ;P

Definitely agree.

The fear is what makes it so erotic and intoxicating.
1 year

Death feedists

The trick is to sabotage yourself. Stop moving whenever possible to lose muscle, force junk into your body and stretch your stomach, ruin your metabolism, and date an evil feeder. But the time you change your mind and want to live through the decade, you'll be helpless, addicted, and trapped even before immobility.

1 year

Death feedists

As a feeder and enabler i have had plenty of time to think and reflect to where me and my partner are now. I remember walking miles along the seafront and sitting on a bench with my chubby girlfriend, eating fish and chips. Nowadays she can't stand for as long as a minute her legs and back can no longer support her weight. She can barely ride her mobility scooter and has recently gone into a wheelchair. We both know she has very limited mobility and she has made it very clear she wishes to continue gaining weight. Becoming fully immobile is a reality.
On the subject of Death feedists.
Being immobile and morbidly obese can increase the risk of illness and death.
But for my partner it's the thrill of being fat that drives her on. To put things in prospective. Smoking does kill people, but not everyone. Climbing mountains is a dangerous past time. A motor bike is more dangerous than a car. But many people are killed in car accidents. Doesn't stop people driving or being passengers in cars. Aeroplanes crash millions of people fly every year. Basically most things in life carry a risk but for my partner the outcome of being bedridden is worth the risk. Currently we are planning her immobility. With the view of minimising the risks involved. She knows what she wants. If she wishes to stop she has my full support.
1 year

Death feedists

Are you prepared financially and physically to look after her?

Yes i am. Currently we are planning living requirements.
1 year