Fat experiences

Moment you realized that feederism was for you

Even before that was the story of Hansel and Gretel. Something about how Hansel lacks the willpower to keep the witch from fattening him up has always been very intriguing to me.

I don’t think these stories caused my kink, they simply matched what was interesting to me in the first place.

same for me. hansel and gretel was an early story that interested me deep down, and i didn't really understand why. another children's book called "the great pumpkin giant" featured two very fat characters, including a princess who was too fat to walk and had to roll around - that was of great interest to me!

any time weight gain or a fat character showed up on tv or in a movie i was immediately intrigued.

so i have always had this interest, and i've always been attracted to fat people. the only big change for me was getting fat myself - that is something that has only happened in the last four years or so, and something i never really thought about very much before that.

The great pumpkin giant was probably one of my favorite books when I was a kid, and I always wished I could be big enough to roll around. Didn't know why then but it's pretty obvious now.
2 years

Moment you realized that feederism was for you

Same for me as most others here - I always had an awkwardly intense fascination with pregnant, growing bellies, and fantasised about my belly growing huge and out of my control; so I deduced I had a pregnancy kink, until I searched online for “growing bellies” or something and then I found the story “Judy’s Heaven of Food”, and I nearly blew a fuse with how hard I came. I found Yahoo Groups that day too! Immediately knew what my kink actually was then 😅

I spent nearly 15yrs convinced I’d never act on it, but a convergence of life events and a move overseas gave me the perfect opportunity to gain without immediate or persistent judgement from anyone I knew, all at the same time I’d stopped seeing the value in denying myself a sexual and life experience that I didn’t want to die without having experienced. I went from closeted lurker to gaining feedee in 2014 and achieved SSBBW status 5-6 years later, so whatever got me here has kept me here long enough for that transformation to happen!
2 years

Moment you realized that feederism was for you

I only got interested in the whole dynamic recently after watching feeder porn, which was recommended to me since i love big ladies.

As an passionate hobby cook i just love the idea of someone eating my food greedily, and if i have some connection to that person makes me love it even more.

I guess its abit more sexual and passionate for me and i dont think i have experienced the whole beauty of it but then i only know of it for less than a few months, and joining this forum is my first real venture into it, but its so exciting and iam loving the thought and thinking about feeding the lady ive choosen.
2 years

Moment you realized that feederism was for you

I've unconsciously known ever since I was a little kid and developed a major fixation on big bellies in general thanks to cartoons and such. Even when I began learning about porn and stuff it wasn't even a conscious act, I'd just automatically seek out stuff involving big bellies, which ended up being mostly feederism stuff. It's kinda dumb, but whenever I feel like a lousy feedee wannabe, I'll try and just think about that and remind myself that I was practically born to be a complete pig, lol
2 years

Moment you realized that feederism was for you

At birth.
2 years

Moment you realized that feederism was for you

When I was much younger, I was fascinated by being fat. I actually wanted to be fat like some of the other people who were my age.
1 year

Moment you realized that feederism was for you

I was struggling a bit last year with the weight I’ve gained with Covid like 60 pounds lol putting me over 300 I actually started the year wanting to lose weight, and my New Years res was to lose weight and here I am in August 40 pounds heavier. I tried, I really went all in it’s just not as easy as I was when I was younger, I cut from 160 to 125 for wrestling yearly back in the day… so I looked more into fat acceptance and body positivity, and I found there was people who WANTED to gain weight as in be fat! And basically I was hooked right in.
1 year

Moment you realized that feederism was for you

Much the same as others here, I knew at a young age I was attracted to fat, being fat, and getting fatter.

I remember there was this comedy magazine with absurd fake news stories, and one of them was about a woman who was so fat she lost her engagement ring in her folds. Another was about a woman who couldn't feel when she was full, so she'd sit far away from the table and when her belly hit the table she'd stop.

Looking back, these clearly influenced me, or at least gave me an outlet for something I had felt. After that, I began drawing weight gain comics and stuffing pillows in my clothes when I was alone, imagining what it would be like to be really huge.
1 year

Moment you realized that feederism was for you

Over twenty years ago. I was surfing the web on my mom's computer and discovered this wonderful website called fantasy feeder. And what I saw on there back then awoke the piggy inside of me. Back in highschool I went from 136 pounds to 245 pounds. But didn't get hooked on the idea of deliberately getting fatter until that night
10 months

Moment you realized that feederism was for you

I dated a girl that was into feeding. I honestly had never heard of it before, and I was totally hooked. I gained about 20 lbs for her. After we stopped dated I just kept going.
9 months
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