Many feedees are very conflicted at first but less so after they get "over the hump," that is, after they gain a certain amount. Maybe they realize their fears about gaining were exaggerated, maybe they've reached the point where others in their lives have given up nagging them about their weight, maybe their love for overeating has become dominant...I guess there are lots of possible reasons. It occurs to me it might help feedees who are just starting out (or thinking about it) to hear about the hump.
So if you've gone over the hump in this way:
1) What changed that made things easier?
2) How much weight did you have to gain to get there?
3) Has there been more than one hump? If so please answer 1) and 2) for each one.
So if you've gone over the hump in this way:
1) What changed that made things easier?
2) How much weight did you have to gain to get there?
3) Has there been more than one hump? If so please answer 1) and 2) for each one.
3 years