Lifestyle tips

The battle of mental health

I've been struggling with depression and general anxiety disorder for the last few years, and while doing so, I tried being open about my feelings about wanting to gain tons of weight (pun intended). I'm sure you can imagine how poorly that went with my parents and my psychiatrist. It pisses me off that everyone around me seems to automatically assume that my desire to gain weight and whatnot is just a depression born eating disorder or something. Hell, my parents even had the audacity to tell me about how they thought that I'd been, and I quote, "radicalized and manipulated" by the feederism community in my time of weakness.
At this point I'm probably starting to drift a bit from my original point. long story short, how do feedees, especially of the extreme/death variety like myself, find relatively unbiased mental health support if even possible, especially while stuck in an actively anti-fat environment? smiley
2 years

The battle of mental health

Maybe your parents shouldn't sit in on your sessions. I was never open under such circumstances.
2 years

The battle of mental health

Maybe your parents shouldn't sit in on your sessions. I was never open under such circumstances.

admittedly, they haven't been sitting in. I tried being open with them about it on my own because the whole "hiding a major part of myself" thing was hella stressing me out. They claim that it's just the health aspect of it and not the being fat but tbh I don't really believe that's all there is. I don't blame them or anything, especially since my ma has always had a hard time with her weight and has been struggling to lose weight how she wants cause of medical stuff, but it doesn't make it hurt any less
2 years

The battle of mental health

I've been struggling with depression and general anxiety disorder for the last few years, and while doing so, I tried being open about my feelings about wanting to gain tons of weight (pun intended). I'm sure you can imagine how poorly that went with my parents and my psychiatrist. It pisses me off that everyone around me seems to automatically assume that my desire to gain weight and whatnot is just a depression born eating disorder or something. Hell, my parents even had the audacity to tell me about how they thought that I'd been, and I quote, "radicalized and manipulated" by the feederism community in my time of weakness.
At this point I'm probably starting to drift a bit from my original point. long story short, how do feedees, especially of the extreme/death variety like myself, find relatively unbiased mental health support if even possible, especially while stuck in an actively anti-fat environment? smiley

If you can afford it, and you have it where you live, BetterHelp. Com was a great resource for me. I got an online therapist that helped me come to grips with being a feedee, as well as a fat admirer and told me it was okay to get really fat if that's what makes me happy. I bet someone from that site could help you too.
2 years