
Favourite body part

The gut. Huge hanging belly that bounces and sways ahead of her, down her thighs so much I have to lift it up just to find her underwear.

Rolls of back fat. She didn't have when she was smaller, but now she's so fat her breasts have gone 360 degrees. Every time I hug her I can't help but grab handfuls of her back.

Though at this point it's really hard to choose just a favorite or two, because she's become so big she's at the "growing new body parts" stage of obesity.
2 years

Favourite body part

Belly by far. I guess my name was something or a give away
2 years

Favourite body part

A big hanging tummy, huge thighs with cellulite and large fatty arms.
2 years

Favourite body part

A big round belly, end in second place...fat moobs
2 years

Favourite body part

For me in definitely the hang of a soft belly.

You can grab a handful and it's so soft and warm.

Im also a fan of breasts and moobs
2 years

Favourite body part

Full body for me. I find disconnected body parts too Frankensteiny.
2 years

Favourite body part

It keeps changing.

When we started dating and she was in her "I'm just curvy!" era, she loved her belly. It's how we got honest about our feederism.

NOW she's at least 100 pounds heavier, and one night she told me I needed to check out her arms because she loves how huge and soft they've become. As she gains weight, random parts of her body just start swelling up. Seriously, when we started dating I never knew I'd find back fat so alluring!
2 years

Favourite body part

I always had a huge soft spot for love handles and back rolls. Something about them are so god damn cute. Great for grabbing lol
2 years

Favourite body part

Full, round and swollen belly...
2 years

Favourite body part

Fupa and a nice big apron belly
2 years
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