
Do feedees cause feeders to gain weight?

My favorite thing about this fetish was the contrast between my toned, fit body and my feedee bf’s body. By the time he reached his goal I did weigh a few pounds in fat more, but it realistically wasn’t something hard to bounce back from. A few pounds turns to skinnyfat, and before I realize it the idea of gaining is a sudden turn-on. Quarantine happens and I stop going to the gym, start eating with my “feedee” (if you can still call him that) and take heavy cream before bed. Fast forward to now, and we both can pass as the obese foodie blimp in the relationship XD
I know a good amount of “feeder turned feedee” stories exist out there, but should feeders actually be conscious about this kind of situation going in?

It's not so much that the feedee makes the feeder fat as it is being in an environment that encourages that behaviour makes it easy to give in.

It's not just in kink, but in normal life too. For example, when my mom went on a health kick, everyone in my family went on a health kick. Not because any of us needed too. But rather, my mom knew that if she saw any of us eating things she couldn't she'd cave and pig out.
1 year

Do feedees cause feeders to gain weight?

It's not so much that the feedee makes the feeder fat as it is being in an environment that encourages that behaviour makes it easy to give in.

this was totally how i went from being fit to being fat, to start with... my girlfriend at the time was already super-sized and not interested in gaining, so i wasn't even acting as a "feeder" per se. but she had a really big appetite, for food and for drink, and was a bit of a gourmand. we went out to eat a lot, and for drinks, and it was those habits that rubbed off on me.

and going to the gym in the morning isn't that attractive when you are exhausted from staying up late, and a little bit hungover, lol.

i think environment and lifestyle are huge. that's probably why you see so many fat families - everyone is just eating the same stuff, behaving similarly.
1 year

Do feedees cause feeders to gain weight?

It's not so much that the feedee makes the feeder fat as it is being in an environment that encourages that behaviour makes it easy to give in.

this was totally how i went from being fit to being fat, to start with... my girlfriend at the time was already super-sized and not interested in gaining, so i wasn't even acting as a "feeder" per se. but she had a really big appetite, for food and for drink, and was a bit of a gourmand. we went out to eat a lot, and for drinks, and it was those habits that rubbed off on me.

and going to the gym in the morning isn't that attractive when you are exhausted from staying up late, and a little bit hungover, lol.

i think environment and lifestyle are huge. that's probably why you see so many fat families - everyone is just eating the same stuff, behaving similarly.

Legit. If you want to keep in shape with a feedee, it takes some effort.
1 year

Do feedees cause feeders to gain weight?

My therapist and I have talked about what we call "sin sharing" (I grew up Catholic 😂).

When one person wants to quit smoking but the other doesn't, you get... almost jealous, because they "get to keep sinning" and you don't. Those who want to exercise as mentioned above, will find it easier to sleep in. It's more relaxing and fun to drink alcohol with company.

So if the other person gets to indulge in eating, stuffing, enjoying themselves, that can be extremely tempting. 😁
1 year

Do feedees cause feeders to gain weight?

and feede and feeder end up obese🤗
1 year