Extreme obesity

Your ultimate fantasy?>

My fantasy would be to live in a country where every adult is fat and fatness would be regarded as beautiful and something to strive for by everyone. My wife and I would be a lot fatter. We would both be about 250 lbs. Or maybe more. But we‘d still need to be mobile because we‘d have to go for a walk and see all the other fat people.
Everyone would have a backpack with some yummy, fattening liquid food in it and they‘d have a tube on it that allows them to sip all day, in the bus, at work, everywhere. Women would all have beautiful curves without regrets.
I’d carry a backpack with a tank of melted icecream inside.
1 year

Your ultimate fantasy?>

My ultimate fantasy is mainly to break the world record for heaviest person ever, but beyond that my unrealistic ultimate fantasy would be to get all the way up to an entire ton in weight
1 year

Your ultimate fantasy?>

Probably a mutual stuffing with my partner and one of our friends. The 3 of us getting stuff to capacity, gaining weight together, and etc.
1 year

Your ultimate fantasy?>

Two are really regular ones.
First is to have a feeding vacation, feedee is just stuffing all day for 4 weeks no clothes in the sun perfect weather and just fill her up. Getting home 10 Kilos heavier 🤯

Second being fattened by a strikt female feeder Mistress, being fored to eat for sexual pleasures, punished when not eating up to her expectations. compleatly blowing up to be an massiv 200-300 Kilo fat blob 😂
1 year

Your ultimate fantasy?>

Beeng a 400+ kilo Feedee, remain a month in the room + bathroom with a tiny naked slave girl, that ordered by my mistress feed me 30 kilo more.

Slave that got a quest feed me, and own me while she do her work.

Also she regularly drugged to increase her sexual activity and hates fat partner.
10 months

Your ultimate fantasy?>

My ultimate fantasy is to find a severely dominant feeder who wants an ltr to marriage. A man who stuffs me all day from morning to bedtime. He keeps me barely waddling around. I am so fat that I can only go sideways through doors. I can barely waddle around, the purest of fat jiggles and wobbles with every waddled step I take. He stuffs me a little bit more everyday.

that sounds amazing
8 months

Your ultimate fantasy?>

Since the question is about pure fantasy, I envision being placed on a very comfortable sofa, and being fed without taking a break at all-- 18 hours a day, for a week. I would be stuffed with dozens of pizzas, burgers, macaroni and cheese, pasta, pie, and donuts around the clock, and I wouldn't be allowed to stop. Between dishes, I would funnel 2 L of shake, possibly getting in 10 L a day. During this time, I wouldn't be allowed to cover my belly. My shirts would be pulled up over it so it would be bare and completely unrestrained. By the end of the week, my belly button would pop out, and I would be 50 lb heavier. My gut would be so tight, I would whimper when my partner touched it because of all the pressure inside. When I finally emerged and saw people again, they would gasp at the bloated orb I had become in such a short period of time.
8 months

Your ultimate fantasy?>

Tbh my biggest fantasy is to actually become the fattest person ever. All I want to do is stuff myself 24/7
8 months

Your ultimate fantasy?>

ending up crushed under the big hairy dadbod of a huge gaybears or gaycub, and hearing his stomach gurgling in my face which is completely buried in his fat while he makes huge beastly burps because he has just finished eating tons of food.🤤
8 months

Your ultimate fantasy?>

I just love the idea of enabling my feedee to the point of immobility or borderline immobility, but on top of that she becomes increasingly spoiled, demanding, and lazy as time goes on. Like yes, please quit your job so you can spend all day sitting on the sofa watching TV, masturbating, and begging me for your third fast food delivery of the day. Who cares if almost my entire salary ends up being spent on your gut, as long as it keeps sagging close and closer to the floor. 🥵
I wish you weren't all the way over in the UK because this sounds like heaven🤤
8 months
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