Submission and domination

Anyone else want to be kidnapped and fattened?

I do
2 years

Anyone else want to be kidnapped and fattened?

I do

Maybe I should come to the UK. 🤣
2 years

Anyone else want to be kidnapped and fattened?

have had this fantasy for really long but slight twist.

It would be awesome to be drugged and fattened up into a huge blob. I my feeder would give appetite stimulants, something to slow my metabolism down and make me sleepy / lazy. I would be like submissive eating machine that didn't have any control and be like a dream / hazy state all the time. Like drifting on a soft cloud without worries, not caring about future and only to have pleasure by eating, stuffing and being full. With would be turning me on because really full belly equals weight gain and this would make me horny.

My feeder would use tube feeding to push more calories into me on nights and she would constantly feed me. I would be this compliant lazy eating machine that would only eat, sleep and grow bigger.

She would also weight me, chart my weight gain + measurements and take pictures of my growing body.

My feeder would sometimes "forget" give me those drugs that would dull my mind and I would sober up only to realize how huge that I have become.

She would make sure that I would love my new body by fondling it, telling me that I have been such a good boy to let my body grow into this massive size. I would get turned on and she would have sex with me, pleasure me until I would come and after that she would give those drugs again I would slowly slip back into the pleasurable dream state once again.

So this have always been my fantasy. Never tried that in IRL and I'm not sure if that would be even possible. I would like to give it a try if possible by a female feeder to do this and be open minded about it.
1 month
2 years

Anyone else want to be kidnapped and fattened?

One of my fantasy’s is to be taken by a very fit Dom female feeder, that motivates you with a cane 😅
2 years

Anyone else want to be kidnapped and fattened?

I do love this idea =^^=
2 years

Anyone else want to be kidnapped and fattened?

Yeahh, I want it so bad. To be kidnapped and force fed and become a, real pig 🐷
1 year

Anyone else want to be kidnapped and fattened?

It's such an exciting fantasy tbh
1 year

Anyone else want to be kidnapped and fattened?

I would certainly love to be the target of such a thing, takes away all the trouble of stressing over finding a feeder who will go to the extremes to produce a proper piggy
1 year

Anyone else want to be kidnapped and fattened?

This was cool, because i a afraid of Go further with my Gain, because the Reaction of Friends and Family, but with a kidnapping it Would take the Decision away and the responsibility Go over to the Kidnapper, and i can give up and eat and became immobile. But its not real that this happens. One Day i must tell the Truth to everyone, because i am addicted to foot and this make that work and other Things, became to much difficult some Day.
1 year

Anyone else want to be kidnapped and fattened?

Yes, kidnapped & fattened until I obtain a sufficiently womanly shape.
1 year
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