Extreme obesity

My dream is to get extremely obese!

Hi I want to get fat but not the visceral fat. I want a belly that hangs and I want a belly that is extremely soft. I think its not possible to get such a soft belly for a man like me... Does anyone know if its possible? And if it is is there someone who wants to help me reach that goal maybe even together?
2 years

My dream is to get extremely obese!

There's people out there who swear by heavy cream and avoiding sugars and beer. But, yeah.... sadly, most of that stuff is decided by genetics. It sucks! The only sure fire way I've ever found to radically increase the softness of someone's fat, is to gain a massive amount of weight and then lose a lot of weight. Picture a deflated balloon. Or melting ice cream. That's the closest you can get. All in all it's a super unappreciated look in the gainer commuinty. Apple shaped bodies can even turn pear shaped if they lose weight differently than they gain
2 years

My dream is to get extremely obese!

It possible I'm doing it currently
2 years

My dream is to get extremely obese!

600 is the goal.
2 years

My dream is to get extremely obese!

I'm t also trying to find an enjoyable way to make my big fat belly simply huge!
2 years

My dream is to get extremely obese!

When I was an active gainer my belly was pretty much round and sat up high.
I lost 120 lbs to have ankle surgery.
I gained all the weight back over a few years and my belly was jiggly and soft and I developed a double belly that hung down.
Maybe it was because I lost weight and gained it back.
I do love a hanging belly on a guy.
2 years

My dream is to get extremely obese!

Mine is growing but it’s also the visceral kind. Beach ball-shaped, basically. It depends mightily on your genes. I take after my mothers side, where the men are like me, medium framed with a beach ball belly. My wife takes after the women on her dad’s side, who are all fat and have been so much of their lives. She gained a bunch for her first pregnancy, then lost some of it before regaining all of it plus some :-) Her double belly hangs beautifully :-)
2 years