I will not recommend the appetite pills, especially apetamin. There’s a reason why the FDA didn’t approve it. One of its serious side effects is difficulty urinating (despite drinking water), distorted vision, excessive nervousness and toxic liver failure.
I had a slim body for years but then I gained weight, thanks to one female feeder at work.
The only way to gain weight fast and become fat is to stop doing any hard works, be lazy. Then, you have to increase your food intake, eat all the time or anytime you can, even if you not hungry, thus you will break your metabolism and will start to gain weight very quickly. Think like a fatty and you will become one.
Prefer elevators over stairways, keep with you snacks all the time, eat large meals, make friends with fat people, they will help you to gain weight, just eat like them. Also, if coworkers suggest food take it. That’s how you will become fatter in no time.
2 years