Fat experiences

“damn, i’m fat”

Ich lies mich in einer Bäckerei in Emden auf einen Holzstuhl fallen, da brach ein Teil der Lehne weg, hat zum Glück niemand gemerkt, weiss nicht was wäre, würde ein Stuhl ganz zusammenbrechen.

Just to translate: I fell onto a wooden chair in a bakery in Emden and part of the backrest broke off, luckily nobody noticed, I don't know what would happen if a chair collapsed completely.

*Please keep posts in English, this is so the admin team can effectively moderate the site. Thank you! smiley

FF Team
2 years

“damn, i’m fat”

Just that kinda realisation I'm back to stuffing as hard as I used to when I was 250lb two years ago while currently about 200lb, with most of it kinda going to my belly super hard. Not "damn, I'm fat", but definitely "damn, I'm gonna get so fat..." haha.
2 years

“damn, i’m fat”

when you’ve been wearing nothing but sweatpants and joggers for 2 years and you find out a grand total of zero of your pants fit.

when people always make sure you have had enough to eat/always talking to you about food, new places etc

when you’re referred to as “the fat guy”
2 years

“damn, i’m fat”

At a family gathering, when even your fattest family members say you need to lose weight. And the others tell you it's okay to get more to eat.
Also, approaching big round numbers, like 200 kilos.
2 years

“damn, i’m fat”

My aim is too grow as fat as possible, I love when people say you're overweight, I find it a comfort
2 years

“damn, i’m fat”

New forum user wants to talk to fat guys.
About to say hi.
Realize I'm well over her upper limit of want.
Damn, I'm fat.
2 years

“damn, i’m fat”

Spoop Skerry:
New forum user wants to talk to fat guys.
About to say hi.
Realize I'm well over her upper limit of want.
Damn, I'm fat.

Ayumi Orihime:
How did you know you were over here upper limit? She wrote a number in her profile? 😳

In the post.
2 years

“damn, i’m fat”

These are the small little nuances that folks rarely talk about when gaining. But the I am fat aspect is just the gateway and starting point; it is the I am obese part that ultimately takes some of us under and those of is with a certain personality type will always succumb to it. Noticing you are fat is when you can get into your jeans but you can't fasten the button while the I AM OBESE part is when you notice that you can feel your belly jiggle, the back fat of your thighs jiggle, each butt cheeks jiggling and your calf fat all move simultaneously and that leads to sensory overload and you then realize that you just don't have the discipline anymore to lose three hundred pounds so you just give in

1 year
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