Feedback and suggestions

Viewing convos with deleted accounts

Clicking on a conversation with a deleted account, which (as of a few months ago, at least) will not contain any messages to be seen anyway, will still count as one of your conversation views. Could this be changed?
2 years

Viewing convos with deleted accounts

Hi PolyPinoyPuppy,

Thanks for your suggestion. This is something we have on our to fix list. I will certainly bring it up again with the site owner. However we tend to go round and fix areas and sections of the site. So this will likely be net looked at when it comes round to the message sections turn for an update.

Cheers for helping out the site with your suggestions. Keep them coming!

FF Team
2 years

Viewing convos with deleted accounts

Thanks for the communication! Y'all are great.
2 years

Viewing convos with deleted accounts

I would prefer if a fix went a step farther and made it so that clicking on any conversation wasn't all it took and you had to also send a message for it to count as one of your 5; it's a bit annoying when you're trying to go back to a conversation to look back on something that was said. But I understand that the site needs to draw revenue somehow.
2 years

Viewing convos with deleted accounts

I would prefer if a fix went a step farther and made it so that clicking on any conversation wasn't all it took and you had to also send a message for it to count as one of your 5; it's a bit annoying when you're trying to go back to a conversation to look back on something that was said. But I understand that the site needs to draw revenue somehow.

Ayumi Orihime:
Yeah, sometimes (often? most of the time?) I open a message and the text is "hi" or "hello there". Wasted 1 message for the day. Yay 😒

I absolutely hate that crap. Write an actual paragraph (or more!) or don't bother...

Feature Request: word count in the mailbox next to messages. That way members can estimate from the word count whether a message is worth opening before they open it for a one- or few-word vacuous message.
2 years

Viewing convos with deleted accounts

This is a little off topic for the original thread. so have created a new forum:
New Forum

FF Team
2 years