Feedback and suggestions

Message characters / words

I would prefer if a fix went a step farther and made it so that clicking on any conversation wasn't all it took and you had to also send a message for it to count as one of your 5; it's a bit annoying when you're trying to go back to a conversation to look back on something that was said. But I understand that the site needs to draw revenue somehow.

Ayumi Orihime:
Yeah, sometimes (often? most of the time?) I open a message and the text is "hi" or "hello there". Wasted 1 message for the day. Yay 😒

I absolutely hate that crap. Write an actual paragraph (or more!) or don't bother...

Jiggle Junkie:
Feature Request: word count in the mailbox next to messages. That way members can estimate from the word count whether a message is worth opening before they open it for a one- or few-word vacuous message.

Just moving this suggestion to a new thread. I will note that in the past we have considered removing the subject line completely from messages, so that the first line of a message appears in the inbox instead, which would give users more insight into whether they want to open a message or not. Maybe this is something we can re-think about to change in the future.

2 years

Message characters / words

Jiggle Junkie:
Feature Request: word count in the mailbox next to messages. That way members can estimate from the word count whether a message is worth opening before they open it for a one- or few-word vacuous message.

FF Team:
Just moving this suggestion to a new thread. I will note that in the past we have considered removing the subject line completely from messages, so that the first line of a message appears in the inbox instead, which would give users more insight into whether they want to open a message or not. Maybe this is something we can re-think about to change in the future.


Vote against removing the Subject line. That’s removing useful information in terms of judging whether to open a message, not adding to it.
2 years

Message characters / words

Jiggle Junkie:
Feature Request: word count in the mailbox next to messages. That way members can estimate from the word count whether a message is worth opening before they open it for a one- or few-word vacuous message.

FF Team:
Just moving this suggestion to a new thread. I will note that in the past we have considered removing the subject line completely from messages, so that the first line of a message appears in the inbox instead, which would give users more insight into whether they want to open a message or not. Maybe this is something we can re-think about to change in the future.


Jiggle Junkie:
Vote against removing the Subject line. That’s removing useful information in terms of judging whether to open a message, not adding to it.

I also vote against removing the subject line.
2 years

Message characters / words

This was something that was suggested by another member, I personally thought this would give further information to a reader about whether they wanted to open a message, not less information.

Rather than displaying *Hey* or whatever the subject title may be, and seeing more of the actual message as a preview would surely give you more information as you can see more of the message text.

Maybe there's a way to work in both... I will poke hiccupx about this.

I will say it's unlikely that we will add a word count. So if there are any other suggestions, then please list below.

FF Team
2 years

Message characters / words

I will say I find it a bit strange that there is a subject line at all, as if these were emails. Wouldn't most people be using these in a similar capacity to DMs/texts? The subject line is pertinent only for the opening few messages, from my experience; no one starts a new DM thread with someone once they've moved to a different subject.
2 years

Message characters / words

The subject line is pertinent only for the opening few messages, from my experience; no one starts a new DM thread with someone once they've moved to a different subject.

1) The initial pertinence seems to me is often what establishes whether there will be any communication or not. Once there is a conversation, the subject line may not matter any more. The way i write, it is not always clear from the first few words or even the first sentence what my main message point is about. This is where a separate subject line allows me to summarize, and the prospective reader to make an informed decision.

2) I have started new PM/DM/pick your abbreviation message threads on here with the same person, changing the subject line accordingly. Like email. I like email.
2 years

Message characters / words

Ayumi Orihime:
I agree the subject line isn't used appropriately for now, I keep waisting views because of that. Quite frustrating!

That’s why i believe it would be a superior user experience to have both the Subject line and a brief first few words/first line synopsis, to better be able to judge whether the message is worth opening.

Why reduce the amount of useful information? If some people don’t use or don’t relevantly use the Subject line, then the start of the message is informative. In other cases, the Subject line may be more informative.
2 years