
Before / after picture ideas?

What kind of pictures do you think would best show off weight gain? I want to take a lot of pictures, and would love ideas. Here's what I'm thinking of so far:

1. Simple standing picture, forward, side profile, and back

2. Laying in bed, with my feet spread out edge-to-edge

3. Video of me jumping in place (while I can still jump)

4. Video of me squatting (while I can still squat)

5. Picture of me sitting in a chair

Let me know what else would be fun!

(I'm also always looking for encouragement, message me on kik, Anon5665).

Great recommendations so far:

- POV shots (standing, sitting, walking)
3 years

Before / after picture ideas?

Definitely option 2 would be very interesting
3 years

Before / after picture ideas?

I personally would love to see jumping/squatting
3 years

Before / after picture ideas?

I've thought about this alot. So weight gain is slow. If you are not constantly checking your weight it's hard to notice. I've seen people gain 20 lbs with out noticing. So what I would do is by a stuffing out fit. For me it would be underwear, pants, and a shirt.(non stretching clothes) Ever time I stuff I would wear these close. Once I've grown out of these close I would take standing picture, in the morning on an empty belly so you can see your true progress. And not have bloating or a big meal making you look bigger. Then go by new clothes. Over the years you have a consistent picture style. Plus physical clothes you can do a comparison with.
3 years

Before / after picture ideas?

On all fours like a pig.
3 years

Before / after picture ideas?

Sitting on the floor and getting back up...and you can't hold on to a chair or cane or anything. This will get harder as you gain.

Sitting in a chair with your legs crossed. It will be harder to cross your legs as you gain.

Hugging your knees:

Doing sit-ups.

Climbing stairs


Picking a quarter up off the floor

The Wall Test

The Floor Test (get on all fours and seeing if your belly touches the floor...if not, how many inches of books fit between the floor and your belly?)
3 years

Before / after picture ideas?

Old Clothes

Someone else mentioned old clothes. It's a good idea, but I best expand on this idea some more. Start saving old clothes that obviously don't fit properly, if you aren't already.

Don't keep the entire wardrobe, since that takes too much space, just 2-4 items of that size, perhaps. Items with limited stretch, if any. Donate/sell/give away the rest, and dispose of the items too worn out for anyone or anything.

This opens up several possibilities. In particular, these come to mind:

- You might wish, at some point, to see if you can cause buttons in a button-up shirt to get undone when you're a certain size and you end up expanding from eating a lot. Hopefully you think to take a video of this. Even if you aren't keen on sharing it now, it's something you might want to share later.

- Obvious before/after potential.

- Imagine if you place properly fitting clothes on a horizontal surface, such as a table or a bed, then the smaller ones on top.

- It's possible you might lose motivation from time to time. Keeping the smaller clothes around may help for reminding you how far you're come, and how much farther you wish to go. I know this helps me from time to time.

For example, I have old jeans from when I was far, far too skinny. If I try to use them now, I can now barely the front button and button-hole are many inches apart, with no hope of the two ever meeting again. I look forward to the eventual time when I can't even get them over my thighs, which would have become far too thick.

Measuring Tape

When taking pictures like this, be sure to wear something very thin, such as a t-shirt or even a sleeveless undershirt, and gym shorts. Or swimwear that covers little, if you're daring. Point is, something that won't distort the measuring tape reading too much.

Other than that, this should be fairly obvious. Most folks will probably observe the biggest difference at the waistline (where trousers/shorts normally sit), the belly button level, and ass size measurement. But certainly, you should try to measure other areas too, like chest (both nipple level or just below) and thigh circumference.

Final Thoughts for now

But perhaps the most obvious, if at all you can.. be sure to remember to record the date (month and year is fine), and weight at the time. Also if stuffed, if applicable.

Ideally, you'd step on the scale first thing in the morning, right after doing "your business" in the bathroom but before you drink anything, or at most the first cup of coffee. That's when the number should be the lowest.
2 years