Submission and domination

What's your fantasy?

My ultimate fantasy is to be in a bisexuality relationship with a female that worships my belly. I want her to constantly be grabbing my rolls, especially when she's pleasuring me.

That's it! All a dream about
2 years

What's your fantasy?

my ultimate fantasy is a loving long lasting relationship with A feedee. and that I will grow to not as much as my partner but I will grow and be happier. so basically an happy ,vanilla life is my fantasy
2 years

What's your fantasy?

I absolutely love the idea of being tied down to a chair and forced to eat as much as someone cooked for me. Just the idea of it being rude if I didn't finish the dinner they made so they force it into my growing gut till I whine. I want to pop my buttons on my shirt or pants and have my belly reach the table. They'd then tease me over how large I've become, measuring my belly and rubbing it as I slowly fall into a food coma.
It's been a fantasy of mine to be a sub feedee even if I know I don't want to become immobile πŸ˜…
absolutely same fantasy overhere, even thinking about it is turning me on like crazy 😍
2 years

What's your fantasy?

To be swallowed whole into the huge belly of an SSBBW
2 years

What's your fantasy?

Mine is to make the love of my life too obese to move... and then my family comes to visit.

"Where's your lovely wife?"
"She couldn't make it. Uhhh... you'll see."

When they get settled in, I have to roll her out on a cart. Wearing her gigantic diaper, flab just slapping together and rippling with every movement. Short of breath because she's still stuffing her fat face as I roll her out, grease running down her immense gut.

"Uhhh... BURRRP. Hi! It's [gasp] great to see you!"
2 years

What's your fantasy?

My fantasy is probably living with a roommate who's also a complete feedee in denial. He's always got an array of excuses ready for when I walk in on him stuffing his face; he's having a bad week, he's just having a cheat day, he's going through a breakup - I always retort with a cheeky insult or a bit of teasing about watching what he eats. Maybe I bring up how chubby he's starting to get - that makes him incredibly pissed off, and he angrily lists off a million more excuses, while I pretend I don't notice how he's blushing, or sometimes, straight up hard. Eventually, though, he gives up and confesses his 'secret' to me, and is shocked when I tell him I already know. He doesn't know what's in store for him, though, now that he's come clean.
Wtf. That actually sounds like a pretty good premise for a story. Should I whip the pen out and write a short, maybe?
2 years

What's your fantasy?

Oh here's a fun fantasy I just came up with- space travel for the super obese.

If you've seen my pics, you know the size of clothing my bae has to wear. They'd literally have to invent a new kind of space suit to fit her. Then build a special double-wide seat to get her on the ship. Then reduce the crew by two people to compensate for her weight.

Once in orbit, she'd have so much fun feeling weightless with her rolls of fat flopping around in zero-g. Though she might be disappointed by the lower quantity and quality of space food.

Reentry would be hard.
Astronauts exercise constantly to keep their muscle tone up. She's doing no such thing. So when she gets back to Earth she's completely immobile. A crew of people have to get her out of her seat and roll her out of the spaceship on a cart, while the news crews take pictures and videos of her mountainous lard rippling. Headline: WORLD'S FIRST MORBIDLY OBESE ASTRONAUT
2 years

What's your fantasy?

A fit gf of mine becomes a feedee when she discovers my fetish. Months later and nearly 100lbs heavier she sees a feedee friend of hers has turned her feeder bf into a feedee as well. This gives her the idea to turn the tables on me. She decides to make herself a hucow and induce lactation. One day I wake to her on top of me and she shoves an udder in my mouth and I'm immediately hooked on her milk. Each day she makes more and more and my appetite increases with it as she continues to grow too. Within a few months my fit figure is a distant memory just as hers was
2 years

What's your fantasy?

A fit gf of mine becomes a feedee when she discovers my fetish. Months later and nearly 100lbs heavier she sees a feedee friend of hers has turned her feeder bf into a feedee as well. This gives her the idea to turn the tables on me. She decides to make herself a hucow and induce lactation. One day I wake to her on top of me and she shoves an udder in my mouth and I'm immediately hooked on her milk. Each day she makes more and more and my appetite increases with it as she continues to grow too. Within a few months my fit figure is a distant memory just as hers was
2 years

What's your fantasy?

So basic, but mutual gaining. Where it’s not basic, is that we have friends feeding us extra to help fatten us up.
1 year
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