Extreme obesity

600 lb life

Am i the only one that gets kind of turned on watching my 600 lb life?
2 years

600 lb life

Am i the only one that gets kind of turned on watching my 600 lb life?
Nope lol 😊
2 years

600 lb life

I love the show. I don't like the weight loss but I do love hearing how they can't stop eating.
2 years

600 lb life

I love the show so much it inspires me more than anything to want to gain. I feel bad for the people on there because they want to lose the weight and aren't happy living that way, but seeing people's lifestyles on that show is what made me want to be over 600 lbs instead of just like 300-400 like my goal was before. Now I've accepted all the possible consequences on my health and mobility and such, and I've made up my mind that I'm going to live like the people on there eating tons of fatty food and living sedentary so I can look sexy and obese like them. My favorite episode of the show was Brittani Fulfer I dream of being obese like her and struggling to move and do basic things all while making myself more and more obese everyday
2 years

600 lb life

Many of the people are quite happy just eating and getting fatter. It's their family who are frightened by this and urge them to lose weight.
2 years

600 lb life

I love watching the show! Vanilla Hippo was on it, she lost a huge amount of weight. I do feel bad for these people though, since most of them didn’t want to get that big. I love watching the first half of the show, and even up to them getting the surgery because then you can see their huge bellies jiggle back and forth when the surgeons get them prepared for surgery.
2 years

600 lb life

I think people are conflicted. They do want to get that big and love some of the problems for a while. Then it gets harder and they regret getting that big but they still want to eat. Vanilla Hippo clearly made the best of it for a while.
2 years

600 lb life

I think people are conflicted. They do want to get that big and love some of the problems for a while. Then it gets harder and they regret getting that big but they still want to eat. Vanilla Hippo clearly made the best of it for a while.

Yea the Vanilla Hippo episode is what made me post this. She did seem fairly content. I am glad she is still happy though and involved in the community.
2 years

600 lb life

I think people are conflicted. They do want to get that big and love some of the problems for a while. Then it gets harder and they regret getting that big but they still want to eat. Vanilla Hippo clearly made the best of it for a while.

Yea the Vanilla Hippo episode is what made me post this. She did seem fairly content. I am glad she is still happy though and involved in the community.

She seems very smart and knows what she wants, which is why I felt it odd when the TV program portrayed her as some kind of helpless victim trying to please men for money. I put that down to the TV company needing an angle to generate sympathy for her. You could otherwise quite easily say, well you did that to yourself because you wanted to and got admiration and money.
2 years

600 lb life

I think people are conflicted. They do want to get that big and love some of the problems for a while. Then it gets harder and they regret getting that big but they still want to eat. Vanilla Hippo clearly made the best of it for a while.

Yea the Vanilla Hippo episode is what made me post this. She did seem fairly content. I am glad she is still happy though and involved in the community.

She seems very smart and knows what she wants, which is why I felt it odd when the TV program portrayed her as some kind of helpless victim trying to please men for money. I put that down to the TV company needing an angle to generate sympathy for her. You could otherwise quite easily say, well you did that to yourself because you wanted to and got admiration and money.

I had a friend that died last year. She weighed about 800 at one point. She was trying to get on the show to help her with weight loss. The doctors said she need to loss weight in order to get another surgery.
My 600lb life said they would help but they required her to get on tv and act traumatized and helpless. They required her to buy alot of macdonalds and eat it for pictures. she refused and there for didnt get on the show.

I dated girl that was actually on it before she passed away. We had broken up by that time but she called me and asked that i come on the show as her boyfriend because it would help ratings.
2 years
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