Feedback and suggestions


Claiming to be underage in chat room
2 years


Claiming to be underage in chat room

2 years


Thank you for reporting this. I also saw the abuse report, though that didn't have a link to the screenshot or other evidence. Fortunately I noticed this thread, so I can take action.

Though in the future, if you could link to the evidence in the abuse report, that would be better overall. I wonder if/when hiccupx could include some sort of attachment function in abuse reports.
2 years


Thank you for reporting this. I also saw the abuse report, though that didn't have a link to the screenshot or other evidence. Fortunately I noticed this thread, so I can take action.

Though in the future, if you could link to the evidence in the abuse report, that would be better overall. I wonder if/when hiccupx could include some sort of attachment function in abuse reports.
well i use my phone 99% of time my laptop locks up
2 years


I wonder if/when hiccupx could include some sort of attachment function in abuse reports.

It's on the to do list, as with everything on the site we can't change features in an instant and we fix bugs / add new features when we work on a specific area of the site.

For now, please submit screenshots to: / or alternatively add them to an image share site and share the URL in the abuse report link.

FF Team
2 years


I wonder if/when hiccupx could include some sort of attachment function in abuse reports.

FF Team:
It's on the to do list, as with everything on the site we can't change features in an instant and we fix bugs / add new features when we work on a specific area of the site.

For now, please submit screenshots to: / or alternatively add them to an image share site and share the URL in the abuse report link.

FF Team
will do sorry bout that
2 years