Extreme obesity

Controversial thoughts about feederism

I think you aren't alone in not wanting to do the traditional thing of breaking your back over work until retirement. This is one of the talking points of the antiwork movement, which aims to change the culture of work so that it serves the needs and happiness of workers rather than merely generating revenue for corporations and capital owners.

Regardless of your stance on that movement, you have a good reason to want to enjoy your life while you have the ability to. Obviously this is difficult without sacrificing some time and effort toward work, but your motivations are sensible.

I might be speaking to simply assuage myself, of course; I am planning to go back to school for a creative writing MFA rather than continue my current job as a software engineer, because while I am reasonably good at the latter, it doesn't spark the joy of the former. I am willing to sacrifice financial gain for a career writing books or even just teaching about writing because it is my passion.

I think it is important to find a career that will enable you to live the life you want to live now, rather than 50 years from now. Maybe that means continuing on your current path and saving up money for an early retirement. Ultimately only you will know what will make you happy, and you will need to balance all of your desires against one another, but the goal is to be happy. A life lived in misery is no life at all.
1 year

Controversial thoughts about feederism

Especially in the medical field it would seem there are few careers that are more sedentary than not. If you could find something to do in a hospital, perhaps at a desk, with good pay and relatively light work, it would be easier to gain weight. Being 400+ plus pounds wouldn't make you ineligible for such a job, especially if you prove to be good at it and make an impression of same.
1 year

Controversial thoughts about feederism

All I meant is that a job with less moving maximizes gaining.
1 year

Controversial thoughts about feederism

I'm glad that conversations like this exist. A lot of FF is hyper-focused on getting as fat as possible by any means possible. And while that's not necessarily a bad thing (for the most part), I think we need to have more conversations about the real-world aspects of this.

People with aspirations that conflict with their ability to indulge in this kink/fetish/lifestyle are valid. People who gain weight and decide they prefer things to stay a fantasy are valid. People who want to gain weight but feel on the fence about actually doing it are valid.

It doesn't make you less of a feedee/gainer if you have to maintain or lose weight for any reason. It doesn't make you less of a feedee/gainer if you keep everything in the fantasy realm.

You belong in this fetish just as much as those actively gaining.
1 year

Controversial thoughts about feederism

I completely understand that sentiment you expressed at the end of this post. I too started out in a field that has some physically demanding jobs but as I got bigger, I was lucky to find positions that are much more desk bound. You may have to get some additional training or credentials but if it allows you to live life more according to your preferences that is a small price to pay. Also, keep in mind that for many people, myself included, there comes a size where they have to eat a satisfying amount of food to just maintain or gain very slowly (this is the mid 400s for me) and are still reasonably mobile.

My backup plan is to start teaching when I’ve gathered a few years of experience in my field. Maybe that wil open up the possibilities of gaining to an more extreme weight. And I know I won’t be bed bound by the time I hit 500 pounds. I think however that the image of a 400-500 pound hospital worker, isn’t widely accepted in society…

Ayumi Orihime:
Many people in the medical field are very fat phobic. As a pharmacist, when I do continued education, the non pharmacological advise for most health problems include "weight loss".

I wish they'd really get educated on the subject. Research shows that voluntary weight loss isn't sustainable in the long run and that the weight cycling is the real danger, not the fatness itself.

Maybe they feel "safer" assuming all fat people are greedy and lazy, this way they are "protected" from becoming fat themselves.

Blaming fat people for their fatness and assuming health issues such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, etc are caused by obesity (as opposed to "associated with being fat", which isn't the same at all) is very common in health professionals and it's been shown that many have a really bad perception of their fat patients.

Just suggesting that these issues could be linked to other factors also associated with being fat (stress, lack of exercise or weight cycling for example) is seen as controversial!

It's just ridiculous and I don't want to me a part of it. I've never told a patient of mine they should lose weight and I never will.

I think it depends on what health issue they have. I agree that weight loss isn't the end all be all. A lot of health concerns can be resolved by doing something else.

But some medical conditions can be helped by some level of weight loss. For example, my grandma has osteoporosis. While losing weight will not fix the problem, it can be helped by maintaining a lower weight. To put it simply, she had to lose weight because her bones are not strong enough to support her.

This also doesn't take into account the more extreme forms of obesity such as immobility. I don't think most immobile people will tell you that they are as fit as a fiddle. But on FF, I believe that is part of the appeal.
1 year

Controversial thoughts about feederism

I completely understand that sentiment you expressed at the end of this post. I too started out in a field that has some physically demanding jobs but as I got bigger, I was lucky to find positions that are much more desk bound. You may have to get some additional training or credentials but if it allows you to live life more according to your preferences that is a small price to pay. Also, keep in mind that for many people, myself included, there comes a size where they have to eat a satisfying amount of food to just maintain or gain very slowly (this is the mid 400s for me) and are still reasonably mobile.

My backup plan is to start teaching when I’ve gathered a few years of experience in my field. Maybe that wil open up the possibilities of gaining to an more extreme weight. And I know I won’t be bed bound by the time I hit 500 pounds. I think however that the image of a 400-500 pound hospital worker, isn’t widely accepted in society…

Ayumi Orihime:
Many people in the medical field are very fat phobic. As a pharmacist, when I do continued education, the non pharmacological advise for most health problems include "weight loss".

I wish they'd really get educated on the subject. Research shows that voluntary weight loss isn't sustainable in the long run and that the weight cycling is the real danger, not the fatness itself.

Maybe they feel "safer" assuming all fat people are greedy and lazy, this way they are "protected" from becoming fat themselves.

Blaming fat people for their fatness and assuming health issues such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, etc are caused by obesity (as opposed to "associated with being fat", which isn't the same at all) is very common in health professionals and it's been shown that many have a really bad perception of their fat patients.

Just suggesting that these issues could be linked to other factors also associated with being fat (stress, lack of exercise or weight cycling for example) is seen as controversial!

It's just ridiculous and I don't want to me a part of it. I've never told a patient of mine they should lose weight and I never will.

I think it depends on what health issue they have. I agree that weight loss isn't the end all be all. A lot of health concerns can be resolved by doing something else.

But some medical conditions can be helped by some level of weight loss. For example, my grandma has osteoporosis. While losing weight will not fix the problem, it can be helped by maintaining a lower weight. To put it simply, she had to lose weight because her bones are not strong enough to support her.

This also doesn't take into account the more extreme forms of obesity such as immobility. I don't think most immobile people will tell you that they are as fit as a fiddle. But on FF, I believe that is part of the appeal.

Ayumi Orihime:
I agree for osteoporosis (although being too skinny is even worse for it).

Def for sure. She's working to get stronger as well. I'm just saying never make blanket statements when it comes to health.

Everyone is different, and there's a multitude of health conditions out there. As such, depending on the person and the condition, fat gain and fat loss affects them different. I know people who are 200, 300+ lbs and perfectly healthy. And I know people who would be chronically sick if they got to 150 lbs.
1 year

Controversial thoughts about feederism

You mention you are in school to become a radiology assistant. That is probably a good choice because it seems physically less demanding to me.
1 year