
Bmi. what's yours?

22.2 for the moment. I started at 21.1 and I'm trying to reach the crucial 25 point 😅
It would be of course better if someone was helping me 🙄
1 year

Bmi. what's yours?

Not sure as I’ve gained but last I looked, I was 40++
1 year

Bmi. what's yours?

Just went to the doctors for a check up. My BMI is 39. Unfortunately I am no longer considered morbidly obese. But still obese. That's something to be proud of. 🙂
1 year

Bmi. what's yours?

Around this time last year it was 27 which is considered overweight. As of today is is 45 which puts me in obese class III.
1 year

Bmi. what's yours?

Made it to 32.2 and growing I hope
1 year

Bmi. what's yours?

I think mine is 38 or 39.
1 year

Bmi. what's yours?

42.5 last I checked
1 year

Bmi. what's yours?

I think my bmi is about 39/40 I eat so much I lose track
1 year

Bmi. what's yours?

A solid 35 and well within the obese category, quite pleased
1 year

Bmi. what's yours?

56.6 as of today.
1 year