Lifestyle tips

Best jobs for getting big

I am working fast food, and finding it hell. Due to inter worker politics, nepotism and the like, it has become a bad environment. I was wondering, what are some jobs good for getting fat, that are easy for someone with low job experience to acquire. I only got 6 months under my belt at the moment.
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

I also have an office job. Though I do have to move a bit, I also get a long dinner, where I graze on fast food or a restaurant. My weight's gone up maybe 25 pounds in a year, maybe more.
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

truck driving helps
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

Anything that involves mostly seatwork is usually the best :-) Plenty of time available to just feed one’s face :-)
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

I worked in an office environment for many years with mostly women. It was a joy to watch new hires (mainly young women) blow up virtually before my eyes.
I didn’t really start gaining until I retired. Eating to cure boredom works great!
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

My gal works an office job and is the most massive person in the company. They're constantly bringing her sweets and snacks.

At her last job, she got so fat the company had to introduce a new "alternate uniform" work apron to keep her fat from flopping out! The uniform company simply didn't make any bigger sizes. She appreciated that a lot.

But she's also into leather crafting, which only requires you to be "small" enough to get out of bed and use your arms, size wise. So she plops her watermelon sized breasts and upper belly roll right on the table, lets the rest of her gut hang over the bench, and gets to work.
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

Like everyone said, an office job is perfect for gaining. If you do something in a call enter where you're required to be on the phone and at a computer you will blow up due to the inactivity.
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

I work a job where im fairly active all day. I typically get 5 miles of walking in alone. It makes gaining much harder!
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

Like everyone said, an office job is perfect for gaining. If you do something in a call enter where you're required to be on the phone and at a computer you will blow up due to the inactivity.

And the stress. Call centers are bad for your waistline. Inactivity, stress, encouraging poor dietary habits, and an even poorer work life balance the higher you go in the company.

Last call center I worked out, people were forever fighting the battle of the pudge. Wasn't uncommon to see 300+ lbs people. We had a gym, but the only people who used it were those who were already in good shape. Everyone else would get the fattening cafeteria food, the vending machine food, or stuff from the neaby fast food joints.
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

And the stress. Call centers are bad for your waistline. Inactivity, stress, encouraging poor dietary habits, and an even poorer work life balance the higher you go in the company.

Last call center I worked out, people were forever fighting the battle of the pudge. Wasn't uncommon to see 300+ lbs people. We had a gym, but the only people who used it were those who were already in good shape. Everyone else would get the fattening cafeteria food, the vending machine food, or stuff from the neaby fast food joints.

My feedism side adores the idea of working in a callcenter, having fat coworkers, and beeing able to have a big fattening lunch and a buch of snacks. At the same time my brain thinks of it as a terrible idea because of what a terrible working experience it seems to be.[/quote]

Def for sure. If you get a job at a call center to gain weight, you are not going to last long enough to gain weight.
2 years
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