
Gained more than you planned?

For those of you who've gained more than you planned:

What happened?

What was your start weight, target weight and what do you weigh now?

Did you reach your target weight and decide that it wasn't enough and set a new target?

Or did you reach your target weight and find that you were unable to stop? If so, were you eventually able to stop or are you still gaining?

Have you ever regretted gaining in the first place?
2 years

Gained more than you planned?

I got here and I thought, "damn, I'd love to be 400."
Then I got a new, 400 pound scale.
Stepped on. Error.
Eventually I asked to use a scale at a clinic.
421 pounds.
Realizing I still didn't "feel" super fat, I aimed for 440.
Now I think I've gone past that, and I'm still eating at the same pace.
2 years

Gained more than you planned?

My goal has increased over the years, but I settled with a goal of 145. I ended up at 150 during covid then purposely gained to 155.

I ended up feeling too big at 155 & lost weight. Currently working back up to 150. I felt most happy there.
2 years

Gained more than you planned?

For those of you who've gained more than you planned:

What happened?

What was your start weight, target weight and what do you weigh now?

Did you reach your target weight and decide that it wasn't enough and set a new target?

Or did you reach your target weight and find that you were unable to stop? If so, were you eventually able to stop or are you still gaining?

Have you ever regretted gaining in the first place?

I hit my goal weight and just couldn’t stop eating. So naturally, I gained more, which I of course loved and decided to keep going with the intentional gaining.
My start weight was 215, my initial goal weight was 250, and now I’m 320lbs.
At this point I definitely think I’ll slow down a bit, but I can’t see myself not trying to gain at any point in the foreseeable future. I just love it way too much to stop.
2 years

Gained more than you planned?

For those of you who've gained more than you planned:

What happened?

What was your start weight, target weight and what do you weigh now?

Did you reach your target weight and decide that it wasn't enough and set a new target?

Or did you reach your target weight and find that you were unable to stop? If so, were you eventually able to stop or are you still gaining?

Have you ever regretted gaining in the first place?

When I first joined the site in 2011, I just thought I was a FA with maybe a few feeder tendencies but I started experimenting with bloating and occasional stuffing sessions.

The stuffing sessions increased and I made friends in the community who encouraged me and I had a lot of fun gaining. I started at 220lbs (I’ve never been skinny) and swore I’d never get heavier than 250lbs but I now have periods of maintaining my weight for months then excitedly stuffing and eating more. My current partner loves me fat and buys me a lot more snacks so now I’m 320lbs and probably getting heavier 😅
2 years

Gained more than you planned?

I’m currently at my fattest ever and I still feel the same, never satisfied, want to keep gaining.
2 years

Gained more than you planned?

When I first started I was at 260. I planned for 300. I couldn't move past 290 for what seemed like for ever. I got laid off and did nothing but eat for 6 months. And didn't have a scale. Next time I weighed my self I was 325. I still didn't feel fat enough. So I set a goal for 350. And so on and so on. I have to be over 450 now but I don't have a scale. I will get one soon. But the last time I weighed my self I was 439 and that was months ago. I have gotten new folds and my belly hangs lower. And I'm just more plump. But any way I have set a loose goal of 500 now but I know that won't be enough. And at this point I honestly don't think I coul stop if I wanted too. My appetite is just so big now. And if i ever muss up and let my self be hungry it hurts! I can't see my self being able to reverse this. I'm too lazy and too hungry to ever loose any of it.
2 years

Gained more than you planned?

For those of you who've gained more than you planned:

What happened?

What was your start weight, target weight and what do you weigh now?

Did you reach your target weight and decide that it wasn't enough and set a new target?

Or did you reach your target weight and find that you were unable to stop? If so, were you eventually able to stop or are you still gaining?

Have you ever regretted gaining in the first place?

I had a bad relationship in college that had originally only wanted me to overeat just so she could feel better about her weight. I never had a target, I did start at 180 and throughout that relationship I may have gained like 20 pounds just because she was afraid of being bigger than me.

That being said, I started to like the eating and gaining I was getting after it was over. I didn't plan much other than maybe 50 pounds but then I absolutely blew past that to now around 320lbs.

I do kind of regret the gaining in the beginning because it wasn't something I was interested in, now it kind of feels uncontrollable and I'm not 100% on board wanting to keep going now.

Are you wanting to stop or slow your gains?
2 years

Gained more than you planned?

Starting weight: 135
Goal: 200
Heaviest: 170
Current: 155

I’ve yo-yo’ed through the years. I’ll gain 20 lbs, lose 15, gain the 20 back, lose 15 because of poor diet/ too active. Have not given up on it and expecting to gain after an upcoming surgery that will have me less mobile for 4-6 weeks. Could I see 200 as my end? Certainly not.
2 years