Lifestyle tips

Remove the act of eating from the physical feeling of hunger

No one wants to feel hunger it’s terrible and stops you from getting Fat(ter) unless your uncomfortably full you can eat.
1 year

Remove the act of eating from the physical feeling of hunger

Morbidly A Beast:
No one wants to feel hunger it’s terrible and stops you from getting Fat(ter) unless your uncomfortably full you can eat.

Depends on how you approach eating, I suppose.

You are correct in that eating when you aren't hungry is a good way to put on weight. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to do that for a variety of reasons.

For those who can't do that, the most important thing is what you eat and how big your appetite is.

Hunger doesn't stop you from getting fat. When used well, it is an effective tool for weight gain.
1 year

Remove the act of eating from the physical feeling of hunger

Absolutely. I just meant this in a sort of light hearted sort of way.

And there’s absolutely something to putting your body into starvation mode and eating a lot later and getting fat. There’s a reason why a lot of wrestlers, ones who cut a lot of weight end of really really fat.
1 year