Extreme obesity

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

I'm definitely going to be immobile one day. I can't stand the idea of losing weight, and I want to put that off for as long as possible. Always loved the idea of being so big I can't fit in a mobility scooter, something literally built for super obese people.
2 years

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

One thing that concerns me much... I'm looking for a family, ideally my lover her sister & mother lol....ikno soley 1 person/caretaker is gona worn out early/need a night off

That's true. You don't want to burn bridges nor burn people out either. Those who have offspring, may not want to make too many enemies. Folks are spiteful.
2 years

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

Immobility is a very real goal for me. Now if only i can find a feeder willing to take me there.
1 year

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

Immobility is a very real goal for me. Now if only i can find a feeder willing to take me there.

immobility is going to look so good on you!

Dawwwwww thanks!
1 year

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

Going for blob status is definitely the dream for me. Still got some stuff I wanna do before taking the dive, but with how much I've enjoyed indulging at 250 I can't wait to shoot for 500+. 100% looking forward to having the apron belly that comes at that size
1 year

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

I literally cant get off without immobility fantasies so I hope I can get there
1 year

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

im getting to that point to. but its being sent to a fat farm for me. tube fed daily. I need it to break this stupid platue ive been stuck on for 4 years now
1 year
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