
Fat fetish/feedism survey results - community, identity & personality

Community, Identity & Personality:

Age interest began:
The majority of respondents first noticed their interest in fat fetishes or feedism in their Pre-Teen years (36.7%), with Teen years (29.2%) and Childhood (26.7%) coming in close behind.

Identity within the community:
The majority of respondents (52.1%) identified as a Fat Fetishist/BBW Admirer/BHM Admirer. Feeders were the second highest percentage at 46.3%, followed by Encouragers (43%), Gainers (33.9%), and Feedees (28.9%)

Personality type:
The majority of respondents (50.4%) identified as ambiverts or a mixture of introvert and extrovert. Introverts were the second highest percentage at 34.7%.

Ability to change the interest:
The majority of respondents (61.2%) strongly believe their interest is not something that can be changed.

Vital or non-vital to sexual fulfillment:
The majority of respondents (30.6%) somewhat agree that fat fetishes/feedism are vital to their sexual fulfillment. The second highest percentage somewhat disagrees at 19.8%

Referring to fat people in general:
The majority of respondents (47.9%) stated they would use a mixture of the provided terms when referring to a fat person in conversation. The second highest percentage (31.4%) prefer to use the term “fat”.

Community interaction:
The majority of respondents (70.2%) only consume content from within the community, while 25.6% of respondents both create and consume content.
1 year