
Fat fetish/feedism survey results - foundations & goals

Foundations & Goals:

Feedees: Entry into fetish/interest:
The majority of respondents who were Feedees, Gainers, BBWs, etc. (24.6%) were not overweight when they entered the community and intentionally gained weight. The second highest percentage (13.2%) were overweight and intentionally gained more weight. 36.8% of respondents did not identify as a Feedee, Gainer, BBW, etc.

Feedees: Long-term goals
The majority of respondents who were Feedees, Gainers, BBWs, etc. (22.8%) want to continue gaining weight, but not to the point of immobility, with the second highest percentage being (17.5%) for wanting to continue gaining unless they encounter a serious health concern. 35.1% of respondents did not identify as a Feedee, Gainer, BBW, etc.

Feeders: Appeal in seeking a fat partner:
The majority of respondents (61.3%) stated their primary appeal as just being what they prefer or find most attractive. The second highest percentage (17.6%) stated it contributed to a care-taking kink or fetish. 16% did not identify as a Feeder, Admirer, etc.

Feeders: Long-term goals for their Feedees
The majority of respondents (28.8%) were not in a relationship or do not include their interest in their relationship. The second highest percentage (24.6%) want their partner to continue gaining, but not to the point of immobility. The third highest percentage (19.5%) want their partner to continue gaining unless they encounter a serious health concern.
1 year