
Fat fetish/feedism survey results - optional prompt

Optional Prompt: What do you wish people not in the community could know/understand about your interest in fat fetishes or feedism?

The overall response for this question expressed hope for understanding, non-judgment, and the shedding of negative stereotypes surrounding their interests. Here are a few notable responses:

“We are not evil lol. When done ethically, this fetish is achieved with CONSENT/ an interest from both sides. Also, there are SO many variations of this fetish that exist within the spectrum. Feederism is NOT a one size fits all kink.”

“That it isn't an indication of an abusive, toxic, or manipulative relationship. That it can be 100% consensual and enjoyed”

“We AREN'T what TMZ and media as a whole portray us as. Most people are decent and still want to have a normal relationship with our partners. Feederism isn't the kind of kink you can keep in the bedroom, it overrides every aspect of your life and relationship. It's a lifestyle that you didn't decide to be into and can't just decide to be out of. We're just trying to live our life without needing to feel guilty about it.”

“It's odd but it's interesting. It's more common than you'd think”

“It's not a thing we want forced upon people. Sure, there are some exceptions to the rule but we don't like those people in our community. We want any partner to feel comfortable with it and to be able to stop at any time, or say they don't like it and respect their wishes to stop. We don't try to secretly destroy our partners and kill them with a creepy fetish, we simply want them to be able to indulge and be happy eating what they want, the fat is just an added bonus because it's what we find attractive. We know the consequences of our fetish on the health of ourselves and others, so if any of our partners consents and accepts the consequences, only then do we want them to indulge in our fetish.”

“Participation in this fetish/kink is like any other sexual act. With communication and consent, it is a very loving and intimate way for people to learn about themselves, their desires, and their partner.”

“It isnt as bad as people would think it is, just because the person is "Fat" means that they're "Unhealthy" and its complete bullshit, people can be fat/chubby and be as healthy as a skinny person”

“Being fat or wanting to be fat isn't bad. Thiness isn't a universal desire!”
1 year