
Investing in fat friendly products

I`m a slim guy so everytime i come on to a fat friendly site and read about the challenges of larger people I am surprised. It seems like there are challenges for larger people when it comes to finding companies that provide fat friendly clothing, traveling/ vacation arrangements, healthcare, dating/ social communities, and sextoys/lingerie(add others if i left some out).

There are companies that appear to be entering these markets but there appears to be more market share left open particularly in providing more variety and meeting the demands of the ultra large population.

It seems like communities like this are great places to understand what the needs are for the fat community and figure out solutions. I am sure there are enterprising individuals that have created a product or service that they believe will serve the fat community better than what is currently on the market.

If that is the case then the next step is getting it into the hands of company that can produce the product on a large scale or start a company and get the capital to produce the product and set up distribution. I personally am against putting it into the hands of a large business form the beginning.

So where would you get capital from then. I suggest using crowdfunding platforms (kickstarter, gofundme) or equity crowdfunding (wefunder, startengine, republic) . Using those platforms provides for a closer relationship with the fat community. If they are willing to invest in these products then fat focused products could be owned predominately by fat or fat admiring people instead of sending money to people who don`t care about the fat community.
1 year