Feedback and suggestions

How is when you go to the paid upgrade page calculates?

Hi hi. I was going back and forth between the forums and the profiles and found I could no longer see pics in profiles I had seen just a few minutes before. Is it time based? Just curious.
1 year

How is when you go to the paid upgrade page calculates?


The profiles can be sorted in to last online and newest. The profile pictures will update, with the most recently logged in newest profiles, or last logged in profiles (both time based).

I believe the default is 'last online'. But you can change this by going to the search form on profile and selecting 'order by'.

This is why profile pics you saw on the page will have seemingly disappeared, This is to keep the profile page up to date by showing active members.

FF Team
1 year

How is when you go to the paid upgrade page calculates?

I think they're trying to ask how many pictures you can view before the paid upgrade page redirects you, since I have the same problem/situation. I'm just curious how many videos/pictures I can view without getting the annoying ad or paying money.
1 year

How is when you go to the paid upgrade page calculates?

I think they're trying to ask how many pictures you can view before the paid upgrade page redirects you, since I have the same problem/situation. I'm just curious how many videos/pictures I can view without getting the annoying ad or paying money.

As a free site user, you can view:

All standard video content with no viewing limits. *Premium videos are not included in this.

25 standard picture views per rolling 24 hours. *Premium videos are not included in this.

Hope that helps.

FF Team
1 year