
Other spaces online?

Besides FF (which is a great resource don’t get me wrong) and Orange Facebook, where on the internet do you like to hang out with other fatties and feeders/feedees and general chub-loving minds? For example I’ve never been on tumblr till recently and I’m pleasantly surprised to see what a thriving FA community there is there (although clearly it’s not as safe as here, sounds like that sub-community is always facing pushback from kink-shaming-shutdowns from “up top”).
1 year

Other spaces online?

Dimensions for discussions and stories, sometimes art.

DeviantArt for stories and art.

Tumblr isn’t at all as viable as it used to be, but there are still some good folks on there, who usually wind up finding each other.
1 year

Other spaces online?

Jiggle Junkie:
Dimensions for discussions and stories, sometimes art.

DeviantArt for stories and art.

Tumblr isn’t at all as viable as it used to be, but there are still some good folks on there, who usually wind up finding each other.

Dimensions is one of the most mature and established places.
1 year

Other spaces online?

I spend the most time on Deviant art outside of here and orange facebook. I login to dimensions here and there, but it is the most respectable of the options imo
1 year

Other spaces online?

Sorry, I'm out of touch but, what's orange Facebook??
1 year

Other spaces online?

Sorry, I'm out of touch but, what's orange Facebook??

1 year

Other spaces online?

Sorry, I'm out of touch but, what's orange Facebook??


Oh! 😂 Clearly a place I have not frequented to know this. 😁👍
1 year

Other spaces online?

Sorry, I'm out of touch but, what's orange Facebook??


Oh! 😂 Clearly a place I have not frequented to know this. 😁👍

All good. You’re not missing anything
1 year

Other spaces online?

Curvage is another space too along with the various social media platforms like Twitter, can't think of any others
1 year

Other spaces online?

Some good responses so far.

There are, or used to be Kik groups of various sorts, of varying quality with most being quite toxic, or more dead than Disco. You need to have a very thick skin.

Whisper in general is a big mess, and your posts won't show up half the time because of overzealous spam filters, but there's a few groups on there. But again, Whisper is toxic and you need a very thick skin.

Probably dating myself somewhat, but..

I've looked around on various IRC (Internet Relay Chat) networks. Very little/almost none that refers to feederism, though on occasion I might see a channel that refers to BBW. One such Feederism web site used IRC for their chat, but that didn't last long and they moved to Discord, unfortunately.

Not an option anymore but I remember the old Yahoo groups. Never really used UseNet, but there were probably newsletter groups. But as a protocol, it's so niche now that I wouldn't recommend it.

I'm not just saying this because I'm staff on here, but so far I think FF has done the best job so far with a welcoming, accepting feederism community. That's in spite of various quirks, or that the chat is web based which isn't what I prefer. It's the only online community I've kept coming back to for nearly 16 years, and that's saying something.
1 year