
Butthurt scams?

Reflection Of Perfection:
That's part of the cycle I'm talking about. The males that get overly aggressive, rude and downright psychotic deserve to be banned but the lasting effect is scaring off women looking for connections. That's why women go into shells to protect themselves by making men pay to chat so if they get rude, aggressive, etc then at least they squeezed some dollars out of them first.

That's why women need to come forward and blast these creepy sons of b*thes that act like that.

Breaking the cycle would be just everyone getting along and not being creepy. Good luck to that ever happening though.

No. It is not womens' job to hold men accountable for shitty behavior. That is the job of other men. To set the example and publicly hold them accountable. You cannot both say that you understand why many women do pay for play and then turn around and say it's OUR job to make a safer environment. We aren't the ones, in general, that harass, intimidate, violate, and create the NEED for safety measures.

There is PLENTY on this forum right now, and largely, it's only women that respond to it and call it out if at all. They are drowned by toxic misogyny and entitled objectifiers when they speak up.

Get started.
1 year

Butthurt scams?

Reflection Of Perfection:
First of all, this is NOT a scam, just a misunderstanding.

However, this is what I've been squawking about for a while is that it's damn near impossible to make connections these days because it's all about "content creators" trying to make money.

Munchies is right that anyone has a right to refuse to speak to anybody because no one is entitled to a response, but at the same time too much of "serious feeders only" breed contempt and a toxic cycle I've already whined about before.

I don't know what can be done though, any suggestions?

I suppose the real question is why are there more women who are here for money rather than connections?

No matter what rules and enforcements exist, if there is a market with customers willing to pay, people will make a buck. So, these women aren't really part of the problem.

No, the real issue is that women who come here to make connections do not stay on this site very long compared to their male counter-parts. We need to engage with *that* instead.

We need to make FF a place where women feel safe. And if you have that, the women who are here to make a buck are a non-issue.

Reflection Of Perfection:
That's part of the cycle I'm talking about. The males that get overly aggressive, rude and downright psychotic deserve to be banned but the lasting effect is scaring off women looking for connections. That's why women go into shells to protect themselves by making men pay to chat so if they get rude, aggressive, etc then at least they squeezed some dollars out of them first.

That's why women need to come forward and blast these creepy sons of b*thes that act like that.

The cycle that comes out of that is women go into shells to protect themselves but then men go into their own shells and treat women like strippers because they've made it clear its all about selling "content".

Breaking the cycle would be just everyone getting along and not being creepy. Good luck to that ever happening though.

Ngl, it low key sounds like you are blaming these women for the actions of grown men who know better but choose not to be better. And, if OP's post hasn't already shown proof, these women get victimized by the very same men.

So, on that note, it is on the *men* to be better, and the *site* to protect the women on here.

It's similar to another arguement that I have seen. How strippers and prostitutes encourage men to brutilize women. It's a silly arguement because the men brutilize the sex workers who get into sex work for all kinds of reasons. And it's obvious that the men are the only ones at fault. But *somehow* it's women's fault that men are gross to women.
1 year

Butthurt scams?

Reflection Of Perfection:
First of all, this is NOT a scam, just a misunderstanding.

However, this is what I've been squawking about for a while is that it's damn near impossible to make connections these days because it's all about "content creators" trying to make money.

Munchies is right that anyone has a right to refuse to speak to anybody because no one is entitled to a response, but at the same time too much of "serious feeders only" breed contempt and a toxic cycle I've already whined about before.

I don't know what can be done though, any suggestions?

I suppose the real question is why are there more women who are here for money rather than connections?

No matter what rules and enforcements exist, if there is a market with customers willing to pay, people will make a buck. So, these women aren't really part of the problem.

No, the real issue is that women who come here to make connections do not stay on this site very long compared to their male counter-parts. We need to engage with *that* instead.

We need to make FF a place where women feel safe. And if you have that, the women who are here to make a buck are a non-issue.

Reflection Of Perfection:
That's part of the cycle I'm talking about. The males that get overly aggressive, rude and downright psychotic deserve to be banned but the lasting effect is scaring off women looking for connections. That's why women go into shells to protect themselves by making men pay to chat so if they get rude, aggressive, etc then at least they squeezed some dollars out of them first.

That's why women need to come forward and blast these creepy sons of b*thes that act like that.

The cycle that comes out of that is women go into shells to protect themselves but then men go into their own shells and treat women like strippers because they've made it clear its all about selling "content".

Breaking the cycle would be just everyone getting along and not being creepy. Good luck to that ever happening though.

Ngl, it low key sounds like you are blaming these women for the actions of grown men who know better but choose not to be better. And, if OP's post hasn't already shown proof, these women get victimized by the very same men.

So, on that note, it is on the *men* to be better, and the *site* to protect the women on here.

It's similar to another arguement that I have seen. How strippers and prostitutes encourage men to brutilize women. It's a silly arguement because the men brutilize the sex workers who get into sex work for all kinds of reasons. And it's obvious that the men are the only ones at fault. But *somehow* it's women's fault that men are gross to women.

Sorry for coming off like I'm blaming them, I'm not.

Like I said it's a cycle. Men brutalize women, women protect themselves, men who aren't brutalizing get caught in the crossfire, they treat women worse and the cycle continues.

I agree its on the men to be better and the site to protect them. One of the ways the site can protect them is for women to blast the creeps with screenshots of their bad behavior.
1 year

Butthurt scams?

I wasn't mistaken. I literally quoted you saying that women needed to start calling them out. Do you know why we don't?

1) they are never punished anyway; we are not the ones with the power to remove them for their behavior

2) websites (including this one) Actively encourage the behavior and do very little if nothing to stop it, only if it goes to extremes and even then, rarely

3) WE are directly punished and can put us at risk for doing so

4) men literally NEVER intervene. Instead they come onto forums and mansplain solutions to women as if we don't know what can solve this problem then do literally nothing about it.

Misogyny is not a women's problem. It is a men's problem.

Do not even try to attempt to change the story. YOu said we were responsible for doing it. This is not a "everyone does their part" thing. You want the men to stop being creeps so you can have full access to fewer scammers? Then start setting the example and create the change you want and actuallya dvocate. Otherwise you are being just as entitled as everyone else here and whining about how there aren't enough women willing to put out for free.

When women blast bad behavior, it isn't for you. It's for us. It's also very cute that you think we don't do that privately. Whisper networks are HOW we manage to survive in any space that isn't safe for us. You just don't see the majority of it because of the reasons listed above.

Get a clue.
1 year

Butthurt scams?

Reflection Of Perfection:
First of all, this is NOT a scam, just a misunderstanding.

However, this is what I've been squawking about for a while is that it's damn near impossible to make connections these days because it's all about "content creators" trying to make money.

Munchies is right that anyone has a right to refuse to speak to anybody because no one is entitled to a response, but at the same time too much of "serious feeders only" breed contempt and a toxic cycle I've already whined about before.

I don't know what can be done though, any suggestions?

I suppose the real question is why are there more women who are here for money rather than connections?

No matter what rules and enforcements exist, if there is a market with customers willing to pay, people will make a buck. So, these women aren't really part of the problem.

No, the real issue is that women who come here to make connections do not stay on this site very long compared to their male counter-parts. We need to engage with *that* instead.

We need to make FF a place where women feel safe. And if you have that, the women who are here to make a buck are a non-issue.

Reflection Of Perfection:
That's part of the cycle I'm talking about. The males that get overly aggressive, rude and downright psychotic deserve to be banned but the lasting effect is scaring off women looking for connections. That's why women go into shells to protect themselves by making men pay to chat so if they get rude, aggressive, etc then at least they squeezed some dollars out of them first.

That's why women need to come forward and blast these creepy sons of b*thes that act like that.

The cycle that comes out of that is women go into shells to protect themselves but then men go into their own shells and treat women like strippers because they've made it clear its all about selling "content".

Breaking the cycle would be just everyone getting along and not being creepy. Good luck to that ever happening though.

Ngl, it low key sounds like you are blaming these women for the actions of grown men who know better but choose not to be better. And, if OP's post hasn't already shown proof, these women get victimized by the very same men.

So, on that note, it is on the *men* to be better, and the *site* to protect the women on here.

It's similar to another arguement that I have seen. How strippers and prostitutes encourage men to brutilize women. It's a silly arguement because the men brutilize the sex workers who get into sex work for all kinds of reasons. And it's obvious that the men are the only ones at fault. But *somehow* it's women's fault that men are gross to women.

Reflection Of Perfection:
Sorry for coming off like I'm blaming them, I'm not.

Like I said it's a cycle. Men brutalize women, women protect themselves, men who aren't brutalizing get caught in the crossfire, they treat women worse and the cycle continues.

I agree its on the men to be better and the site to protect them. One of the ways the site can protect them is for women to blast the creeps with screenshots of their bad behavior.

I get that you are trying to be helpful, but this ain't it, chief.

As a woman, I shouldn't *have* to fight to be safe. As a woman, it isn't my fault if some guy gets butt hurt and goes after someone else because I wouldn't suck his toes.

You are speaking from the outside looking in. You understand that the situation is bad, but you are viewing it through a privileged lense. You cannot fully conceptualize what the lived experience is like.

You have two different women telling you how things are. If you want to help, please listen.
1 year

Butthurt scams?

Reflection Of Perfection:
First of all, this is NOT a scam, just a misunderstanding.

However, this is what I've been squawking about for a while is that it's damn near impossible to make connections these days because it's all about "content creators" trying to make money.

Munchies is right that anyone has a right to refuse to speak to anybody because no one is entitled to a response, but at the same time too much of "serious feeders only" breed contempt and a toxic cycle I've already whined about before.

I don't know what can be done though, any suggestions?

I suppose the real question is why are there more women who are here for money rather than connections?

No matter what rules and enforcements exist, if there is a market with customers willing to pay, people will make a buck. So, these women aren't really part of the problem.

No, the real issue is that women who come here to make connections do not stay on this site very long compared to their male counter-parts. We need to engage with *that* instead.

We need to make FF a place where women feel safe. And if you have that, the women who are here to make a buck are a non-issue.

Reflection Of Perfection:
That's part of the cycle I'm talking about. The males that get overly aggressive, rude and downright psychotic deserve to be banned but the lasting effect is scaring off women looking for connections. That's why women go into shells to protect themselves by making men pay to chat so if they get rude, aggressive, etc then at least they squeezed some dollars out of them first.

That's why women need to come forward and blast these creepy sons of b*thes that act like that.

The cycle that comes out of that is women go into shells to protect themselves but then men go into their own shells and treat women like strippers because they've made it clear its all about selling "content".

Breaking the cycle would be just everyone getting along and not being creepy. Good luck to that ever happening though.

Ngl, it low key sounds like you are blaming these women for the actions of grown men who know better but choose not to be better. And, if OP's post hasn't already shown proof, these women get victimized by the very same men.

So, on that note, it is on the *men* to be better, and the *site* to protect the women on here.

It's similar to another arguement that I have seen. How strippers and prostitutes encourage men to brutilize women. It's a silly arguement because the men brutilize the sex workers who get into sex work for all kinds of reasons. And it's obvious that the men are the only ones at fault. But *somehow* it's women's fault that men are gross to women.

Reflection Of Perfection:
Sorry for coming off like I'm blaming them, I'm not.

Like I said it's a cycle. Men brutalize women, women protect themselves, men who aren't brutalizing get caught in the crossfire, they treat women worse and the cycle continues.

I agree its on the men to be better and the site to protect them. One of the ways the site can protect them is for women to blast the creeps with screenshots of their bad behavior.

I get that you are trying to be helpful, but this ain't it, chief.

As a woman, I shouldn't *have* to fight to be safe. As a woman, it isn't my fault if some guy gets butt hurt and goes after someone else because I wouldn't suck his toes.

You are speaking from the outside looking in. You understand that the situation is bad, but you are viewing it through a privileged lense. You cannot fully conceptualize what the lived experience is like.

You have two different women telling you how things are. If you want to help, please listen.

I do my part. If a friend of mine shows me someone being rude, I take it upon myself to join in.

Like that clownweasel making racist and rude remarks in the chat the other night, I told the guy to pound sand and he ended up deleting his account.

But hey, I'm an outsider. If you say to sit this one out, sure. That's all I'll say.
1 year

Butthurt scams?

doing your part means not blaming and mansplainign to women about what we ~should~ do.

If you do your part, you don't need to announce and quantify it. You'd just do it.
1 year

Butthurt scams?

Reflection Of Perfection:
Sorry for coming off like I'm blaming them, I'm not.

Like I said it's a cycle. Men brutalize women, women protect themselves, men who aren't brutalizing get caught in the crossfire, they treat women worse and the cycle continues.

I agree its on the men to be better and the site to protect them. One of the ways the site can protect them is for women to blast the creeps with screenshots of their bad behavior.

I get that you are trying to be helpful, but this ain't it, chief.

As a woman, I shouldn't *have* to fight to be safe. As a woman, it isn't my fault if some guy gets butt hurt and goes after someone else because I wouldn't suck his toes.

You are speaking from the outside looking in. You understand that the situation is bad, but you are viewing it through a privileged lense. You cannot fully conceptualize what the lived experience is like.

You have two different women telling you how things are. If you want to help, please listen.

Reflection Of Perfection:
I do my part. If a friend of mine shows me someone being rude, I take it upon myself to join in.

Like that clownweasel making racist and rude remarks in the chat the other night, I told the guy to pound sand and he ended up deleting his account.

But hey, I'm an outsider. If you say to sit this one out, sure. That's all I'll say.

Hun, that's not even what I said. That is not what Lora said. We said that you need to listen. And if what you took away from what you said is to stop talking and stay out of it, then you still are not listening.
1 year

Butthurt scams?

Hun, that's not even what I said. That is not what Lora said. We said that you need to listen. And if what you took away from what you said is to stop talking and stay out of it, then you still are not listening.

Yep. Not sure how "Actively participate in holding men accountable and set an example" comes out to "sit this one out" but that's what happens when people expect to be rewarded for performance I suppose!

Not the kind of example we're talking about!
1 year

Butthurt scams?

I don't know why I'm wading into this minefield, but here goes. I think the point that was being made was that most people are out here treating each other like objects. Men treat women like a piece of meat, and women treat men like an ATM. So the dynamic is different between men and women, but we're all humans and the hurt feelings are universal. The cycle that was being referred to was that nobody likes feeling used, and the kneejerk reaction for some people is to get defensive and pay it forward (regardless of gender). Yes, a lot of men are very culpable in this, but ultimately I don't think pointing fingers and blaming others for who started it is really that productive. The end result is still the same, a toxic environment for everybody.

The problem is too wide and runs too deep for simple solutions or for any one group to fix on their own. The only solution I can see is for every single person to make it a hostile environment for anyone who objectifies or dehumanizes others (regardless of gender), including calling out the moderators for not doing their job, as well as leading by example. On Feabie, I have seen some of this in action, men calling out the bad behavior of toxic men, and women criticizing toxic women. That's good, but there's not enough of it to make a real difference. Also, it always means SO much more when people police their own, instead of criticizing other groups. That's a great way to make everyone get defensive and reactionary and stop listening. This is 100% a team effort.

For clarity: No, this post is not aimed at being critical of anyone in this thread. No, I am not blaming women for anything. No, it's not their responsibility to stop men from acting predatory. Yes, a lot of men are contributing to this toxic environment. No, men are not the only ones doing so. No, I don't think it's equivalent in severity. Yes, this problem is complicated. Yes, that means it needs everyone on board to police bad behavior. Yes, on both sides. No, I have not personally done enough, mostly because I have social anxiety and I hate confrontation, but I'm working on it.

P.S. This post is my attempt to lead by example and try to steer this into a civil discussion. No, I'm not looking for pats on the back, I point it out so that others might try to do the same elsewhere.
1 year
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