Lifestyle tips

So my gain weight has triggered a bad cholesterol

While my surgeon is worried, I in the other hand want to replace the bad fats with the good ones, so I hope someone here could help — what do I need to eat daily in order to maintain my gaining but also consume mostly the good fat, what do I need to eat? What is the recommended menu for the morning, afternoon and evening?

I might ask a dietitian but it may be a strange question…
1 year

So my gain weight has triggered a bad cholesterol

While my surgeon is worried, I in the other hand want to replace the bad fats with the good ones, so I hope someone here could help — what do I need to eat daily in order to maintain my gaining but also consume mostly the good fat, what do I need to eat? What is the recommended menu for the morning, afternoon and evening?

I might ask a dietitian but it may be a strange question…

Personally, I would take a break from gaining to fix the issue. Once the levels are in a good place, I'd go back to gaining, but this time with healthier foods. High-fat fish, nuts, things like that. It will be a bit slower, but it should help the problem.
1 year

So my gain weight has triggered a bad cholesterol

Swapping vegetable oils for olive oil could be a start. A dietician would be better qualified to answer this question though
1 year