
Good websites for provoking genuine fat humiliation comments?

As amazing as websites catering to FF specifically are, I'm finding myself increasingly attracted to reactions of "regular" people to noticing "wtf this one is so fat".

One way I've found is setting my profile pic on Tinder or so to a photo with an outfit obviously outlining every fat roll, but that's not the place where you'd get random comments for it, as sexy as it is to imagine their faces on seeing that.

People are usually quite vocal when they see someone fat, so I wonder if anyone knows of a suitable medium to almost bait out such extreme reactions?
2 years

Good websites for provoking genuine fat humiliation comments?

I've gotten some wonderful anonymous replies on Confessionpost.

Just describing my wife's obesity has made people tell me they're disgusted.

It made me realize she's like a living work of art. Like so much good art, she's not just lovely, but has the power to shock and provoke.
2 years

Good websites for provoking genuine fat humiliation comments?

I've gotten some wonderful anonymous replies on Confessionpost.

Oh really? Can you post a link (or would that spoil the shaming lol)?
2 years