
Any tips to help my belly touch the floor

My ultimate dream is kneel like the fat pig I am while my feeders fucks my ass and see my belly hanging down to the floor
1 year

Any tips to help my belly touch the floor

My ultimate dream is kneel like the fat pig I am while my feeders fucks my ass and see my belly hanging down to the floor

Nothing special, really. Just keep eating and never stop. The fat will come. Just be patient.
1 year

Any tips to help my belly touch the floor

That's really hot imo! :3
1 year

Any tips to help my belly touch the floor

Do what I just did I ate two trays of lasagna on top of breakfast that is 2.8 kg of lasagna in 1 hr.
1 year

Any tips to help my belly touch the floor

Do what I just did I ate two trays of lasagna on top of breakfast that is 2.8 kg of lasagna in 1 hr.
it might take a while but I will try
1 year

Any tips to help my belly touch the floor

Do what I just did I ate two trays of lasagna on top of breakfast that is 2.8 kg of lasagna in 1 hr.

it might take a while but I will try

The point is to eat as much as you can as often as you can, try and eat more each time it can be tough and even repetitively boring at time. And do fatting soups and stews wet food goes in fast and you can get more in before you feel full. Snacks at hand all the time i have a bag of Snacks in the car and at home I eat chocolate if on the computer or watching TV. Also ensure to drink plenty of water it aids digestion and you can eat more if you sip water in a meal in particular if it dry or has lots of bread . Enjoy your belly rubbing the floor ensure to post your progress. Cheers BWL.
1 year