Lifestyle tips

Best jobs for getting big

It’s easy to get fat doing any job… I mean it just depends how much you eat, try to stick to company/business/employer near a lot of places to eat out at. Also, depends how strict lunches/breaks are.
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

I always thought being the Fat Lady at a circus would be good for that.
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

Look out for office jobs with overweight coworkers.
They might order Pizza from time to time and are probably less judging than one of those environments where people are kinda active and exchange the newest recepies for healthy salads and talk behind one‘s back about new acquired pounds.
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

I worked in an office environment for many years with mostly women. It was a joy to watch new hires (mainly young women) blow up virtually before my eyes.
I didn’t really start gaining until I retired. Eating to cure boredom works great!

You're making me miss having an office haha! (Remote worker here)
I had one job at which I was told people usually gain weight when they join. The fact I was often walking to my desk with a plate full of baked goods in the morning left not much doubt of that...
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

call center and at home customer service
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

Food tester I would do really good at that.
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

I put on a lot of weight during the pandemic. Working at home really killed the little bit of exercise I got from commuting, and I was around food all of the time and ate a lot of out of boredom. Plus we ordered in a lot of delivery food items from the local restaurants we wanted to support. My weight has kind of (but not totally) stabilized since I've been going back to the office. Part of it is the commute and not having food as handy and close/convenient. But also, as inflation has pushed up the price of food, when I go out to eat at work I think the portions have shrunk and the costs have gone up, so I think my calorie intake has gotten smaller. At least until someone brings in donuts. smiley
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

Again office jobs are the best, I started working in an office in June and have gained nearly 50 lbs since then
2 years

Best jobs for getting big

Since I work at a library, I sit down at the desk most of the time. When I’m away from the desk, I would snack in between meals.
2 years
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