
Finishing school - would you enroll and gain 500lbs? an original film by ff

[h2=black]Meet this years class of future fatties![/h2]

Hampton Manor - Known for producing the BIGGEST and brightest students.

Graduating from this prestigious school provides the opportunity of a lifetime - To live as nobility in the great kingdom of Shangri-la.

Our students need to pass the end of year audition, and meet the weight criteria which has just been INCREASED.

Will the students be able to rise to the challenge?

You'll have to watch to find out!

An original film produced by Fantasy Feeder for lovers of weight gain fiction, using 3D software and professional voice over actors.

View Trailer

[h3=black]Let us know what you think! [/h3]
* Would you enrol or encourage your partner to enrol at Hampton Manor?

* How fat would you be prepared to get in exchange for a life of luxury?

* Would you dare to use 'The Metomorphasizer' - A machine specifically designed by Professor Hubbard to induce extreme obesity?

1 year