Fat experiences

Coming out of the fridge

I've been fairly open about a lot of it with friends and family.

For a long time everyone has known that I prefer bigger girls or guys and I'm quite certain most of my friends know that my weight gain has been on purpose. I've also explicitly told my mom that I've been getting fat on purpose, which she isn't super fond of, as well as my doctor.

I will admit though it would be much easier if I was always fat and didn't have to be seen going through a dramatic transformation.
1 year

Coming out of the fridge

I’m curious about people’s experiences with this fetish, specifically about their openness in normie settings and relationships. Do your friends/family/SO know? I know people are generally quick to say “my sex life is none of anyone’s business” which yes although that’s true, the fact of the matter is our kink is visually apparent, and wether it be you or someone you’re dating gains a bunch of weight I imagine comments are made. Personally I’m trying to be more open with my friends/some family about my preferences and idk if it’s even worth bringing up or just act oblivious
about myself or a girlfriend gaining weight.

I opened up to my parents and closest handful of friends about it; the people that love me unconditionally.

With my parents I just told them I was into fat women to which they laughed and said, "We know based on your dating history." It's pretty obvious to anyone who knows me. I remember being on vacation with my family in the Caribbean and someone mentioned going out with skinny women and my sister laughed and said they weren't my type. It's liberating and comforting to have people in your corner know your preferences.

With my friends I went deep down the rabbit hole as we all opened up about our sexual preferences/kinks. Again, I was welcomed with open arms, without judgement, and with a fair amount of curiosity that may have even opened a few eyes to our community.

With SOs, it's less about being able to participate in feedism with them and more about being as open and honest with my thoughts as possible, so I let them know as well. I'd rather not walk on eggshells around someone I'm supposed to be close with. Honestly, I've found there are lots of little ways to engage with my kinks after being upfront about them even if someone isn't into feedism.

The question you have to ask yourself is if you care that those people know. Before I accepted myself and opened up, I harbored a lot of shame around my preferences because I felt that it had the potential to hurt my partners (physically, emotionally, mentally, etc) which runs juxtaposed to my values. I think it's worth analyzing yourself to see if there's a reason you're contemplating it.
1 year
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