Lifestyle tips

Wg skincare

Hi, All-

Wanted to get some advice regarding skin care and weight gain. Any of you who know me on here are aware that I recently have switched from feeder to feedee and I'm enjoying the recent extra pounds that have found their way on me.

I'm not asking any of you to be a doctor, and I'll absolutely go to a dermatologist if anything gets worrisome, but i have two quick questions regarding skin care and weight gain. If any of you had any experience or feedback, I'd be thankful:

1. I don't have any stretchmarks yet, but I've noticed little red bumps - almost like a weak version of a prickly heat rash - have shown up on my love handles. They don't hurt and don't itch - they wouldn't bother me at all except I've never had chub on my body and I'm not sure if this is normal. I'm guessing that it is the result of increased contact with my shirt fabric as I've gotten fatter, but I thought I'd see if any of you have had this experience.

2. I've noticed that cuts take longer to heal. I have a few cuts and scratches from lawn care and outside work that seem like they're taking longer to resolve.

I appreciate any input!

I always recommend lotion. Moisture is important - even more so while you are gaining.

1. This sounds like skin irritation. Wearing better-fitting clothes - especially moisture-wicking ones - will help.

2. You may want to see a doctor about that. Get some blood work done. Certain conditions like diabetes can make it harder to heal.
1 year

Wg skincare

The little red bumps could be keratosis pilaris which does sometimes develop during weight gain. It's harmless if that's what it is.

I second Munchies advice on lotion and getting blood works to see if there's something affecting your healing, and it's probably good to get your doc to check the bumps too while you're there. Hopefully it's nothing serious, because it would be a shame to have to end your gaining adventure so soon, especially with the great progress you've made.
1 year

Wg skincare

the biggest change for me was drying after showering. as i started to develop rolls, and got big enough that certain areas didn't get exposed to air, taking time to "air out" is important. after a shower i usually lay on the bed with a fan running to dry myself off. it allows me to move my belly out of the way and open up other spots to the air flow that need it. i do this before moisturizing anything.
1 year