Lifestyle tips

If i gain a lot of weight, can i avoid double chin?

Double chins are part of the aesthetic, no?
2 years

If i gain a lot of weight, can i avoid double chin?

Some people never get a double chin even if they gain weight.
I was like that for years a normal face with a fat body.
It sounds like you want to gain weight but have nobody notice. People will notice and you can't get around that.
2 years

If i gain a lot of weight, can i avoid double chin?

Some people never get a double chin even if they gain weight.
I was like that for years a normal face with a fat body.
It sounds like you want to gain weight but have nobody notice. People will notice and you can't get around that.

I am one of those people too. I don't start even developing a double chin until I cross 430. So, I second everything Ditzy said
2 years

If i gain a lot of weight, can i avoid double chin?

Double chins are part of the aesthetic, no?

I didn't understand the question either. If you actively gain weight, one day you realize that you have become fat EVERYWHERE. And gravity is doing its job. The face turns into a muzzle with round cheeks and several chins. The chrysalis has become a butterfly.

Exactly haha. I love before and after photos of 200+ gains and seeing everything get bigger, including the chin smiley
2 years

If i gain a lot of weight, can i avoid double chin?

You can get local injections, to reduce a formed double chin.
Still if you have a tendency to grow a bit double chin fast, there is probaly not much you can do.
But if you just get in a little after gaining a lot, these lipolysis injections are working.
Sure many of the plus size models are using that kind plus plastic surgery bc non of them really have a double chin.
2 years
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