What if there was a feeder who would provide you with exercise plan to maintain health and build muscle, and diet plan to bulk up the weight.
In return there could be some content of growing belly and booty?
That's called a personal trainer.
Some of y'all have never heard of a hard gainer and it shows.
Ever see one of those absolute massive units? Super big guy - not lean at all. They goes to the gym and eats a crap ton of food. They're overall great shape, but are clinically overweight or obese.
This is a hard gainer. They are obsessed with gains, but they are the more socially accepted kind of gainer. And they usually don't gain for kink.
In body building a hard gainer is Someone that has a hard time gaining weight.
So people that are naturally thin and have poblems eating and getting in the Kalories to grow muscles.
Any way I think it is always a good idea to be working out.
is beneficial to you health as well a bringing other befits like ability to move around etc.
In bodybuilding they say you can never out train a bad diet.