Lifestyle tips

Who is open about their feederism?

I'm not exactly "open" about it but I'm not "closed" about it either. I've only been with bigger people and they've always gotten bigger while they were with me, so to my friends and family it's likely not a secret about that part. They don't know about the fetish/kink-type stuff that goes along with it though, but if they asked about it I would talk to them about it.

That’s great, I wish I had more or even one friend like you. Being secretly or just being supported to grow without making a song and dance about it, that would be awesome.
1 year

Who is open about their feederism?

My family and friends know Im a chubby chaser. Honestly thats all they need to know in my opinion. No point in sharing to many details about your sex life. Things like that are a need to know basis.
1 year

Who is open about their feederism?

In the beginning dating back to a couple girlfriends high school then college knew I like them heavier and really enjoyed it when they gained weight. I would encourage and have them order desserts after meals and they started to enjoy and tease me with their gaining because they knew I loved it. Then with my wife before we were married early on when dating I told her I would love her to relax and gain some weight rather than working out all the time. We discussed weight gain and getting fatter in some detail but I do t tho k she ever really knew how much fat I desired on her figure. Also, I desired more and more weight on women over time - earlier it would have been 150-200lbs. then 250+ and currently I would love to see my 5’ 3” wife around 300-350 lbs. not that it would ever happen but I think I would absolutely love her that size.

All of my tight friends over the years knew I liked thicker chunkier women, but I don’t think they knew I loved them gaining and especially to really fat levels.

Currently, Fat & weight gain is a driving arousing factor in my sexual desire.

I myself gained a good amount myself several times and turned the fetish on myself with the lack of gaining on my marriage with my wife, and found it was not only equally arousing but then my wife and I ended up gaining a bunch together at the same time in a mutual gaining relationship that was not fully communicated like that but we both gained a bunch of weight and got Fat and not only I loved it but she seemed to love it as well. During this time I would be tend to show off my newly huge fattened gut to somewhat strangers but knew me slightly from grocery store employees, restaurant employees where we frequently would eat etc. I would wear smaller I’ll fitting t shorts I couldn’t fit in anymore along with older jeans that were easily 4-6” to small in the waist now and my bloated fit would stick out and hang way over my lower waistline along with at times my t-shirt riding up exposing my lower gut. I would get so aroused doing these kind of things. I tended to start light conversations while checking out with my regular woman clerk at our grocery store who happened to be on the heavier side as well, she would comment on all the Ben n Jerry’s, chocolate and other fattening snacks I would be buying for my wife, and myself now. She would look at the flavors and say “ oh this flavor is amazing”. I would continue and say it is my wife’s favorite and mine now as well, and open things by saying it has done a number on both of our waistlines! She would say “ oh well, you only live once and you should be happy and Fat if you want” I would get so aroused hearing others in an off topic way alluding to the fact that I was no Fat.

I have always loved my wife discussing how Fat she was or getting in the past but during the times where we both got Fat I was so wanting her to tease or scold me for growing a huge gut and looking 12-16 months pregnant. I would always accentuate with clothes my massive bloated gut in the evening and even when we would go for a hug my huge bloated gut wouldn’t allow us to meet to kiss unless I forced closer md the kind of numb her away with my massive bloated gut and sheer weight I cling her a bit off balance. Seeing her awkward aroused reaction m owing how fat I had become without saying it was very arousing.

So your wife never alluded to your gain?

Only a couple times when she was tipsy and more in an endearing and teasing way. Never a serious conversation or something she ever brought up other than these two times when tipsy.
1 year

Who is open about their feederism?

i am a feeder and love supporting the lovely weight gain. She is a good friend and after 3 years suporting she asked me to gain too.
It surprised me and then i looked at me and was even more surprised that i obviously gained. So it was a quick process to open up about it and accepting that i actually like a round figure. So i have opened up to her and to this community.
Not sure if i inform anyone else.
1 year

Who is open about their feederism?

You don't need to tell people about the sexual part of it. That's none of their business. And anyway, almost everyone has a private kink or two.

Go with the PG version.

Feedees can say: "I find I'm happier if I eat what I want."

Feeders can say: "Oh, [my feedee is] happier if she eats what she wants. So I don't bother her about it."

Now, if you're an Fat Admirer (most feeders are) it may become obvious to people that you're an FA, since you usually date fat people. But you don't have to get into it. If someone asks if you're an FA, you can just say something like "Oh, I don't care about people's weight. It's their character that matters."
1 year

Who is open about their feederism?

I've let all of my connections know I love to be fat! Family, friends, partners!
They don't know the extent of my arousal being stuffed silly and teased and played with, though.
I've tried to explain it to partners, but it's just not understood or enjoyed sadly

Aw, you’re always accepted here :-) You’re quite beautiful!
1 year

Who is open about their feederism?

These days I'm all about avoiding drama/ heavy topics/ sharing too much information
I've been through that phase, and I've also had quite a dozen "coming out" conversations before
But it gets to a point where it's just tiring. Like what's point of sharing details about my sexual life to people I have no intention of inviting into.
Call me pragmatic, but I can see no logic in that
Thankfully I'm also happen to assexual, which I find to be a much easier topic to disclose if the conversation ever comes up
Although it ain't the whole truth, it isn't a lie either.
Now if someone were to ask specifically if I had any kinks, maybe I'd disclose it to them, if I found them to be trustworthy
1 year

Who is open about their feederism?

My friends and family all know my preference is bigger girls but only my close friends know I'm a feeder .

When mentioning I preferred bigger girls to my friends I was straight up asked if I was a feeder and I didn't really feel the need to hide it so I said yes .
My friends showed no judgment and were actually quite supportive and intrigued about the whole thing .

I'm a pretty open book so if someone were to ask me about my kinks or it was a relevant topic I'd tell them , other then that I keep it to my self .

I do feel like it might be a bit easy for a feeder to be open about this since they aren't the ones gaining weight .
1 year
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