Feedback and suggestions

More chat rooms

I think it would be nice if there were more chat room options. There are many forum topics but so few chats.
1 year

More chat rooms

Hi PrimitiveDesires,

Thanks of your suggestion. We are hoping to update the chat this year. So we can certainly look to change the rooms and mix it up a little.

When I use chat on my personal account, I see most people congregate in the 'general' chat, and most other rooms are empty.

So it is interesting that more rooms has been suggested. Maybe the rooms we have are not the right categories?

What rooms would you like to see?

FF Team
1 year

More chat rooms

It would be nice to see rooms specific to other feedism things. Perhaps: stuffing/bloating, cooking/recipes, pop culture, non kink, ect. Idk.

I agree that most people sit in the general and then start 1v1 chats from there. I check into the weight gain often as well.
1 year

More chat rooms

It would be nice to see rooms specific to other feedism things. Perhaps: stuffing/bloating, cooking/recipes, pop culture, non kink, ect. Idk.

I agree that most people sit in the general and then start 1v1 chats from there. I check into the weight gain often as well.

Really appreciate you taking the time to give some constructive feedback ad ideas.

Will flag this with the site owner!

FF Team
1 year

More chat rooms

Hey I was thought of an idea that may help you guys. I know for me I was fairly nervous when I first came to this site, but after one of it's members reached out to me it made me more comfortable and made me want to help out more. I was wondering if you guys were interested in having some volunteer members, or even one of your moderators reach out to new members and ask if they need help or welcome them. It'll probably weed out those who aren't serious on the site, and strengthen the connection with people who grow to love the site.
1 year

More chat rooms

Hey I was thought of an idea that may help you guys. I know for me I was fairly nervous when I first came to this site, but after one of it's members reached out to me it made me more comfortable and made me want to help out more. I was wondering if you guys were interested in having some volunteer members, or even one of your moderators reach out to new members and ask if they need help or welcome them. It'll probably weed out those who aren't serious on the site, and strengthen the connection with people who grow to love the site.

Thank you for sharing your experience when joining the site. I agree it can be quite daunting for new members to get involved in the community while also figuring out where you fit in, trying to learn the terminology and all sorts of things anyone new to this might be facing.

You're right that a friendly message would go a long way. I know our mods in the chatroom are welcoming and meet and greet members of the site. Maybe an introductory message for new members, informing them a little about the site, a welcome greeting, along with some helpful tips and who to contact and how to get involved would be beneficial.

As a community we should be welcoming new members and you can reach out to new members without being a moderator. You can see new profiles and sort by new recently joined on the profile section.

So lets get involved and make more of the community and site in 2023 folks!

Great idea AlphaTitan1235.Will highlight this with the site owner.

FF Team
1 year