Fat experiences

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat? I’m thinking more of the 100lbs+ weight gain territory. I went from 145 to 105 and even a forty pound weight loss made me realize things I had never noticed about my body. Before it was hard to cross my legs, and I couldn’t cross them under a table or desk without my thighs being crushed, now there’s over an inch of space.

What does the accumulation of the weight feel like? How do you feel it inhibiting you as you grow larger?

I’d also love to hear about family reactions, as my family’s feelings is what stops me from gaining my own weight.
1 year

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

I can actually discuss a bit about this.

My journey really started when I was about 100 lbs. But my metabolism at the time was rapid. And while it's easier to put on weight now, it's always been seemingly impossible or at least very frustrating. Some of my family would point to this as the thing they'd be most envious about, and then a week later I'd get something like "if only you knew what you could do with fat"

As I've gained bit by bit, most of it has had to do with what fits and what doesn't. And it can sometimes be difficult to tell. I could wear something for years and never realize when time's up for it. Even right now, I'm wearing a pair of jeans that is fine, but if it weren't for another pair I wore yesterday, I wouldn't have noticed that I'm filling these ones out a lot more, and time might be ticking. I can still cross my legs, but not without a little bit of work. Some of my shirts are beginning to feel like I've grown out of them too, and when I used to go for large shirts just for sleeping, now I do it all the time.

When people start to notice, I've gotten "You've put on some weight, but... it's not like you're fat" or even the more recent "It looks good on you". Sometimes it would go back and forth between people thinking I'm thin or putting on weight. Those are the most confusing parts for me. I guess it doesn't help that I also have another unique thing where one of my organs is enlarged, so it throws everyone off.

One thing I can say for certain is that when it comes to appetite, it's like credit. The more you gain, the easier it is to eat more. I am more oftentimes presented with something I get daunted by, but I'll end up getting surprised by being able to eat all of it, and then some.

For the record, I'm now about 165lbs, or beginning to push 12 stone.

I do hope that helps.
1 year

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

It certainly takes time to get used to being seen as a larger person. Some family members will say " He's got a dad bod" others will say, I like the weight on you. It looks good. Some people will give you diet advice.
1 year

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

This is a good question! My gain has been about 60 lbs, so not as dramatic as some. I’ve gone from underweight (BMI of 18, size 0-2) to overweight (BMI of 28, size 14-16) and also from athletic to much more sedentary. If exercise weren’t so helpful to my mental health I would honestly probably stop altogether, not because I enjoy being deconditioned, but because it is so much harder to move a bigger body once you’re out of shape! Getting back into hiking after the height of the pandemic was one of the most unpleasant physical experiences I have ever had, especially since I didn’t have a proper sports bra and couldn’t take full breaths comfortably (ladies, go for encapsulation over compression!). My mobility and endurance have improved since then, though, which has really increased my quality of life.

More generally, being fatter really does feel different. At times during my gain, I’ve been surprised that a part of my body seems to have taken on extra dimensions. For example, I realized last year that my thighs had gained an additional plane, like they now have a front, sides, and an outward-facing and an inner-facing back, if that makes sense; also, my rolls of back fat have really changed the way high-waisted clothes fit. The sensation of bouncing and jiggling has developed a lot, and isn’t always what I expected. To my surprise, my upper belly can now jiggle independently if my lower belly is supported, and my calves are now more bounce than muscle.

One of the most striking differences in feel is how parts of my body that used to be separate now easily touch. I used to have a slight thigh gap, but now my thighs are always touching at their top 6”. I sleep on my side, and I used to have to carefully position my legs for sleeping so that my bony knees and ankles wouldn’t knock into each other, but I haven’t worried about that in quite a while as my knees are now well-cushioned and it takes work to figure out how to make my ankle bones make contact. When I’m lying on my back, I can feel the fat on my neck scrunching together, and can easily touch my double chin to the top of my breasts. When I sit down, my stomach squishes onto my thighs and folds into multiple rolls that rub against each other if I shift positions. My most recent gain of about 5 pounds all went to my lower belly, and if I bend over from standing or lean forward while sitting, I can feel it compress against the top of my thighs, which actually takes up breathing room! My sides and back also have rolls that squish into each other in different positions, and my clothes need more ease or stretch in order to be comfortable both standing and sitting.

Overall, I would definitely recommend gaining yourself if you’re curious 😉
1 year

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

When I was fit, it was good being in shape, but let go and gained 60 pounds in four months. I was at my happiest, binge eating, a lot of ice cream. Clothes & people will let you know.
1 year

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

i went from 100lbs to 240lbs in 3 years. at first you don’t notice the weight. then one day i woke up and had little red stretch marks on my belly. yay! now at this point i’m almost immobile considering my height and medical conditions and it’s soooo far from my active self. i can barely walk without having to stop and take a breath

That’s an awesome gain story :-) Lucky “stink” that guy must be!
1 year

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

I’ve always been a bit bigger but I used to always be playing a sport, when I stopped, within weeks my appetite was catching up to me and my belly was showing stretch marks

I didn’t think just a month and a half of no sports would result in 15 pounds going straight to my gut!

I hated it at first but I realized I liked how I jiggled running up the stairs and how my belly started hanging a bit over my pants so I chose to not go back to sports hehe I love trying to do jumping jacks now and feeling my belly flopping around
1 year

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

Its Just a great Feeling to Eat everything you Like and become Fat

. I didnt worry after i reached 100kg smiley
1 year

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

it´s ineffable
1 year

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

I went from 170 to 245 from 2019 to 2022. I've always known I wanted to gain weight but was always hesitant. The weight definitely creeps up. I knew my desire was slowly getting the best of me as my 8-10 thousand calorie gorgings became more and more frequent. I always thought once I hit 200 I would stop and most likely lose a little weight. The exact opposite happend...I hit 200 lbs without really realizing it because I just didn't feel that much bigger. My stuffings started turning into multi-day, weekly occurrences. I really started to feel fat around 230. This became all the more apparent when I tried on a bunch of clothes from over 60 lbs ago. I literally burst buttons on multiple pairs of pants and shorts as well as dress shirts. That's when I truly felt and knew I had gained a lot of weight and really felt FAT. This was when friends and family subtly began mentioning for me to be more active. Being given workout clothes at the size to accommodate my officially obese body for Christmas was quite the hint. One of the main reasons I hesitated to gain for so long was my fear of friends and family's response. When it actually happened I hardly felt guilty at all. This was evidenced by the additional 15 lbs I packed on in 2 months. Having a girlfriend that admittedly liked "chubby" guys also helped those lbs accumulate. It's also pretty crazy how fat my face looks. Any time I see a picture of me from these days I instantly notice how fat I am.
1 year
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