Story authors

Why isn’t my story listed when i search for ‘newest’?

Hi Anonq11,

Thanks for getting in touch. I can see your story on page 3 in the 'newest' story search.

Newest stories are displayed by their creation date and I can see you created the story 1 week ago.

I can see you have updated your story 11 hours ago. For updated stories we have a separate search and you can select 'Recently Updated' from the search form to see stories with new chapters. Your story displays on the first page on this search.

Hope this helps,
FF Team
1 year

Why isn’t my story listed when i search for ‘newest’?

FF Team:
Hi Anonq11,

Thanks for getting in touch. I can see your story on page 3 in the 'newest' story search.

Newest stories are displayed by their creation date and I can see you created the story 1 week ago.

I can see you have updated your story 11 hours ago. For updated stories we have a separate search and you can select 'Recently Updated' from the search form to see stories with new chapters. Your story displays on the first page on this search.

Hope this helps,
FF Team

Would there be any interest by the team to make “Recently Updated” stories one of the top-level categories on the main Stories page instead of having to go into options to filter that way? There are a lot of terrific serialized novellas and novels being posted on the site right now (including a very well received novel called “What A Long Sleep You’ve Had” - 2 new chapters this week!) that can be hard for new readers to find.

There have been a ton of new stories recently, which is great! - but some of them are shorter and wrap up quickly or get abandoned quickly and it hides some of the very active serialized content.
1 year

Why isn’t my story listed when i search for ‘newest’?

Hi Letters And Numbers,

I have spoken with hiccupx about this. The issue with recently updated stories appearing as a category on the home page is that in the past authors have abused this option to get to the top of listings or carousels by changing minute details in the story like adding a comma.

You do have the option like you say to categorise search results by recently updated. Also if you follow an author you will get updates of when new chapter published.

So for the above reason it is ot something hiccupx wants to introduce to the story page.

Cheers for the suggestion.

FF Team
1 year

Why isn’t my story listed when i search for ‘newest’?

FF Team:
Hi Letters And Numbers,

I have spoken with hiccupx about this. The issue with recently updated stories appearing as a category on the home page is that in the past authors have abused this option to get to the top of listings or carousels by changing minute details in the story like adding a comma.

You do have the option like you say to categorise search results by recently updated. Also if you follow an author you will get updates of when new chapter published.

So for the above reason it is ot something hiccupx wants to introduce to the story page.

Cheers for the suggestion.

FF Team

Good reasons. It’s too bad some people abuse the system!
1 year

Why isn’t my story listed when i search for ‘newest’?

Sometimes it's not abuse of the system - I have gone back to my story to add chapters, but I have also gone back and corrected spelling, grammar, etc. So there are some valid reasons to revise it aside from just adding chapters.
1 year

Why isn’t my story listed when i search for ‘newest’?

Sometimes it's not abuse of the system - I have gone back to my story to add chapters, but I have also gone back and corrected spelling, grammar, etc. So there are some valid reasons to revise it aside from just adding chapters.

Oh definitely, I do that all the time.
1 year