Lifestyle tips

What age did you discover you were into this

I started around the age of 10/11. There was this girl I really liked. I had a crush on her for a long time. I noticed one day when we went swimming she was bigger then I thought she was. I loved it! From that day forward I've loved bigger women. I've discovered feederism around 6/7 years ago.
1 year

What age did you discover you were into this

I remember realizing I liked fat and wanted to be fat at age 5 I was in a grocery store and an obese couple passed by and when I saw them I loved how they looked in their fat bodies and I knew after that that I wanted to look the same
1 year

What age did you discover you were into this

i was already a pretty fat kid growing up. i remember always wanting to be even fatter than what i was. and when i was in high school i know i liked how obese i was. tho unfortunately i did loose a lot of weight after high school, not cos i wanted to but cos of my living situation at the time. and since i lost it i have always missed all the fat i had. a couple years ago i found out was feedism was and it clicked that thats what i always wanted. so i guess from a young age i knew haha
1 year

What age did you discover you were into this

I was a teenager and there was a girl who I would see daily who went to a different school. She was big and my mates would say hey there is fatty and I am ashamed that I joined in but deep down I knew she was perfect.

I never did meet her but it planted a seed and apart from one relationship I have only been with larger ladies
1 year

What age did you discover you were into this

As a child, I had a fairly normal, slim build.Then in my early teens, I was treated very badly by my parents and beaten, was punished for the nonsense my siblings did, etc., and I hardly had any friends anymore because I never had time and always had to work around the house.
That made me very lonely and I secretly started snacking and eating more and more out of grief and worries until I was around 290 lbs quite early on. brought to the scales. I managed to maintain this weight because I was often bullied for it at school. I personally didn't think the bacon I got was that bad, but I was ashamed of it in public. I didn't have a boyfriend until the middle of my twenties...only brief acquaintances.
Then my now husband finally came into my life, at that time I had already lost a bit of weight overall to around 260 lbs.
He told me that I didn't have to hide and that I was perfectly fine the way I was, which made me happy and calmed.
Two years later he told me that he loved my weight and my size and that I didn't have to hold back or restrict myself when eating and that I could just eat my fill. I was on board with that
+/- 280lbs.
From then on I didn't worry so much about public opinion and I had a good time, my weight began to increase noticeably... although he always encouraged me and offered me security... too in all other situations in life. We later got married and I was at about 310 lbs. and after a while he often started to press about the subject of food... I didn't let up until he admitted that he would really like me more and whether I would maybe let him feed me too.
I was a little confused at first, but found the idea quite interesting and somehow erotic. ...we finally tried it out...first I "apparently" ate myself really full and then he gently massaged my stomach, then he fed me a little more until nothing at allwent in.I found this feeling overwhelming and it made me really hot and horny.
Over time, through such filling sessions, I developed a real addiction to being stuffed to the top limit. I only feel full when it's difficult to breathe, I can barely move and my stomach is almost in danger of bursting. 🥵🥵
Since then, in addition to our happy marriage, we have also had a feeder/feedee relationship
12 months

What age did you discover you were into this

I discovered early in my 20s that I enjoyed being fat and I do love food. My ex husband did not like me heavy and criticized me a lot. I was maybe, 30 pounds over where I should be for a healthy weight.

The man I'm with now told me before we got together that he didn't like skinny girls but prefers chubby or a little larger. When we got together, I weighed about 200 pounds. I'm 5 11 and it didn't look too heavy. This morning I weighed 226! I want to get to 250 but I don't know if he's into it.

He is painfully backward about sex. By that I mean not imaginative, can't talk about what he wants, etc. I want him to feed me, but have not figured out how to bring it up without him saying it's weird... difficult for me as I am pretty open about most and fairly adventurous.
12 months
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