Lifestyle tips

Therapy options

It sounds like both individual and couples’ counseling might help.

Therapy Den and Inclusive Therapists are both pretty good directories. Look for therapists that describe themselves as “kink inclusive” and/or identify fat liberation or health at every size as part of their values/practice.

Tiktok is a very popular resource for mental health and relationship info. It’s a real mixed bag—there are definitely excellent, well-qualified professionals providing good information, but there’s also plenty of unqualified and *supposedly* qualified people sharing… dubious info. If you do turn to tiktok, look for licensed and educated professionals—psychologists, mental health counselors, social workers, marriage and family therapists. Avoid “coaches”.

Remember that there’s lots of different approaches and theories for therapy and counseling—there’s few (if any) holy grails or absolute truths.
1 year

Therapy options

When I was briefly having 2nd thoughts, I saw there were OverEaters Anonymous meetings a few years back. I opted not to, but best of luck to you and yours going forward.
1 year

Therapy options

So, for those of you who have sought therapy for feedist-related issues, were there any particular services or online platforms that worked better or worse for you?

Long story short (and I might write the long story here later), it's becoming clear that long-standing and deep-seated feedist urges and desires are taking over my life, impeding my love life, and likely compromising my wife's mental health. We both practiced a feedist lifestyle together for many years and she gained a lot, but she's now tired of it and wants to lose weight and I'm lost and overwhelmed trying to adjust in multiple ways.

I've had bad experiences with therapists either being out of their depth or straight up villainizing me and trying to guilt trip the feedist desires out of me. I'm becoming aware lately of my bad habits and how much I'm in over my head, but I don't want to spend an arm and a leg just to feel bad about myself *again.*

Any productive and preferably judgment-free suggestions or advice would be appreciated. Thanks everyone!

Kudos to you for trying to be better. I wish you the best.

While you are looking for a therapist, there are some things you can do in the mean time.

Metacognition (thinking about thinking) has been very helpful to me. It's a combination of meditative thought and self-reflection.

For example, let's say you have a thought or do something that you don't like. Instead of condemning yourself, you self-reflect. Why did you do it? What outcome were you hoping for? Does this agree with your morals. You'd do this both in the moment and when you are by yourself.

Your therapist will make you do this anyway, so it's good to practice.
1 year