To some extent, I'd say I've already risked my health, or my mobility at least, but they're sacrifices I can live with. I'm short, round, and I have knee issues. A surgeon wanted me to get down to 330 to have knee surgery, but I couldn't cut back or get active enough to get below 390. Then it got cold, which means a lot of time inside and a lot of hearty treats. Then, the holidays arrived with all my favorite foods, and I realized how much I was enjoying eating with reckless abandon, growing my fat, and having a full, bloated belly. Against medical advice? I suppose. But ive never been happier with my body, and I continue to eat 4,000 to 6,000 calories each day and gain 6 to 8 pounds a week. I think I can conceivably get up to 600 pounds this year.
That's why I say that "I'd rather be huge and happy than thin and healthy"